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Stuart Lindsay

Stuart Lindsay

The Latest From Stuart Lindsay

  • The Misguided Faith in Legislated Religious Freedoms

    The greater part of the wan measures under consideration amounts to feeble gestures at muzzling the firepower given to human rights and anti-discrimination tribunals over the past 50 years. You never fight battles on the enemy’s terms, but that is precisely what this legislation would do

    Dec 08 2019

    26 mins

  • An Afternoon with Anne Marie Waters

    The charge against the For Britain founder is that she is 'a racist'. The evidence for this, according to those on the Left who seek to gag her, is a relentlessly articulated and witheringly explicit analysis of the harm Islam has done to every aspect of British life

    Oct 14 2019

    16 mins

  • An Open Letter to Cody Walker

    The sacrifices, hard work and patriotism which created a nation of such complexity and cohesion should be celebrated, surely, by all right-thinking Australians? Yet all the NRL star can do is hog the spotlight with his empty, divisive gesture, the basis of which cannot withstand a moment’s scrutiny

    Jun 06 2019

    5 mins

  • SA’s Marshall Plan for Gender Activism

    The gender fluidity cult's foundation is sheer irrationality, insisting that being male, female or any of 57 varieties in between is a 'social construct', rather than the decree of chromosomes against which no amount of lipstick or prostheses can lodge a successful appeal. Incredibly, with Drag Queen Story Time, a Liberal government is introducing children to this travesty

    May 27 2019

    6 mins

  • Reforming the ABC While There’s Still Time

    Perhaps the polls are wrong, perhaps the remaining few months will see the Coalition's stocks revive. If not, aided and abetted by a Labor government, the national broadcaster will have free rein and an even bigger budget to further indulge its worst instincts and inclinations. Prime Minister Scott Morrison could do something about that before the ballot boxes cast their verdict

    Jan 10 2019

    19 mins

  • From the Church Militant to the Church Pusillanimous

    The Church Militant of old had been thoroughly disarmed by the time 2017's postal plebiscite marked the end of traditional marriage. Rather than fight, mainstream Christian leadership was engrossed in negotiating the terms of its abject surrender

    Dec 18 2018

    11 mins

  • The Capture of Professional Associations

    If you are an accountant, engineer, doctor, pilot, even an AFL footballer, check what your society, association or federation has to say on your behalf about, for example, Aboriginal constitutional recognition. You may well find they are promoting a Left agenda with which you radically disagree

    Sep 26 2018

    19 mins

  • Conservatism and Live Animal Exports

    The Commonwealth legislative system which came into effect in 2012 ostensibly to control the live export of our animals operates as a sham, and the Department which has administered and continues to administer the system has long known as much

    Jun 07 2018

    20 mins

  • The Family Court Fails ‘Trans’ Children

    The decay of the Family Court of Australia's authority as an institution in the eyes of the citizenry has been a long process. Its recent deliberations in the case of "Kelvin" -- a girl who wishes she were born a boy and seeks to change that -- furthers the unravelling

    May 22 2018

    24 mins