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Stuart Lindsay

Stuart Lindsay

The Latest From Stuart Lindsay

  • Nothing to Lose but Chains and Shame

    When a retired judge, a conservative at that, urges mass assemblies and protests in direct violation of the chief medical officers' orders, you know public disgust with coast-to-coast COVID restrictions, border closures and lockdowns is near boiling point. Stuart Lindsay wants you to join him in the streets

    Sep 07 2021

    15 mins

  • ‘In some instances … feticide is undertaken’

    I worshipped at the same Adelaide church as my premier, Steven Marshall, while his attorney-general, Vickie Chapman, was once a member of our chambers. I thought I knew them, but a leaked public service guide to the gruesome mechanics of late-term abortions says I was mistaken. To my disgust and their shame, they are backing legal infanticide up to and after the moment of birth

    Jan 22 2021

    9 mins

  • Ignore the High Court, Louise Milligan Knows Best

    As is her wont, the ABC's chief pursuer of George Pell has been speaking yet again about herself and how wrong it is that her quarry was exonerated by the High Court's 7-0 decision. It is a revealing interview, not least for demonstrating that a journalist who boasts of having obtained a law degree grasps so little about justice, the courts and, for that matter, principled journalism

    Jan 10 2021

    18 mins

  • Seldom Seen, Rarely Heard

    If professed conservative politicians won't fight for conservative causes, what good are they? In light of the looming and certain passage of Victoria's Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill, an opposition that won't push back needs replacing with one that will

    Dec 16 2020

    3 mins

  • Who Will Oppose SA’s Abortion Travesty?

    The proposed abortion 'reforms' are an abomination, yet where are those who should be leading the opposition? The Liberals, to their shame, are pushing the changes. The churches have quit the field, and the media, well it is churning out the usual 'victims of rape" and 'coathanger' cliches. That leaves it to people of good conscience to take up the fight

    Nov 04 2020

    16 mins

  • When Tyranny Comes Knocking

    That a person should be handcuffed in her home and charged with an offence for merely signalling support for a peaceful protest is a serious enough violation of the freedom Australians once enjoyed and have gone to war to defend. But it gets worse. As you read this, Victoria Police are knocking down the doors of Premier Daniel Andrews' critics

    Sep 04 2020

    9 mins

  • The Express Road to Serfdom

    Politicians, CEOs, mainstream broadcast and print journalists, bishops, teachers, administrators, professors, police inspectors and judges speak as one about the magnitude of the risk presented by the Wuhan virus. Their threat to our traditional liberties is more dangerous

    Apr 10 2020

    14 mins

  • Samedi Sordide: Why I Oppose the Sydney Mardi Gras

    Mardi Gras revellers still claim that homosexuality -- cosseted, empowered and itself intolerant of dissent -- remains such a catalyst for its adherents' oppression that our biggest city must be closed down because dykes on bikes, drag queens and gyrating young men to fluorescent underpants need to be reassured they are accepted by the wider population

    Feb 26 2020

    10 mins

  • Sound an Alarm: Gender Activism Is About To Silence Us

    Very soon in Victoria it will be illegal to counsel a child against taking too big a step too soon to switch genders. Worse than that, it will be an offence to speak out against such 'therapy' in general. If the bill becomes law, radical civil disobedience is the only honourable response

    Jan 14 2020

    8 mins