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Steve Kates

Steve Kates

The Latest From Steve Kates

  • Titania McGrath, Meet George Orwell

    Humourist Andrew Doyle created Twitter identity Titania McGrath as the satirical scourge of the hopelessly woke, yet admits in a recent interview that he still considers himself a man of the Left. There you have it: further proof that so-called progressives, even the sharpest of them, have no idea how and what conservatives actually think

    Feb 13 2020

    6 mins

  • The Dangerous Persistence of Keynesian Economics

    Living in the Keynesian world as we do, the only thought in the minds of policy-makers during the dark days of the global financial crisis was to pursue fiscal stimulus. Public spending was the near-universal response, with the near-universal consequence that economies across the world have continued to struggle

    Mar 06 2019

    19 mins

  • The Future is a Judgmental Father

    Jordan Peterson, Canadian academic and scourge of the politically correct,  begins his Australian tour this month. Here, liberated from the paywall of our latest issue, is Steve Kates' review of his book "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos". Please subscribe and make sure there are more

    Mar 07 2018

    16 mins

  • Weaponising Illogical Negativism

    Those old enough enough to recall how Clarence Thomas was subjected to a high-tech lynching on the strength of Anita Hill's unsubstantiated and, indeed, improbable accusations will recognise the same strategy of smear and slander at work against GOP Senate hopeful Roy Moore

    Nov 13 2017

    5 mins

  • In praise of William Baumol

    Let me add a few words about William Baumol (above) […]

    May 10 2017

    4 mins

  • The Left’s Gag Reflex

    It's not that those of so-called progressive mien cannot be funny, Woody Allen and Jerry Seinfeld coming immediately to mind. What sets the bad jokes of the left apart is the inclination to laugh at people rather than with them

    Nov 28 2016

    5 mins

  • A Letter to Tom Wolfe

    The Kingdom of Speech by Tom Wolfe Jonathan Cape, 2016, […]

    Nov 01 2016

    11 mins

  • Lies and Loathing 3.0

    Trump won't  accept defeat, should that be his lot on November 8, unless he is satisfied the game wasn't rigged, which it always is. As for Mrs Clinton, she will maintain the habit of a lifetime and surround the Oval Office with a bodyguard of lies

    Oct 20 2016

    5 mins

  • No Sex, Please, She’s Skittish

    The second presidential debate was a Trump victory, no doubt about it, even though the timely leaking of his "locker room tape" should have given his opponent a clear advantage. Hillary's problem is that she can't go there, not with that satyr of a husband in the wings

    Oct 11 2016

    5 mins