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Sophie Masson

Sophie Masson

The Latest From Sophie Masson

  • Salon du Livre, 2010

    The crowds of children and teenagers clustered around the book stands at the Salon and waiting patiently in line to have books autographed testified to the excitement amongst young readers in France.

    Apr 12 2010

    5 mins

  • Mel

    Every summer evening, we village kids used to meet down […]

    Apr 01 2010

    21 mins

  • Paris postcard

    It is also a city where things, despite the grandiose scale of the public buildings and sweeping boulevards and windswept quays, are still lived on a small, intimate and human scale, in the back streets and neighbourhoods where Parisians actually live.

    Mar 08 2010

    5 mins

  • Down and out in Paris, 2010

    These are the handicapped beggars, most with limbs missing, some displaying bare feet so deformed they couldn’t possibly walk on them, some with arms that end at the shoulder with vestigial hands, some with no legs below the knee.

    Feb 14 2010

    4 mins

  • Agatha Christie on acid

    It’s the season for Midsomer Murders. In our own bleached midsummer, that mythical corner of England that’s forever sunny, green Midsomershire is one of the great pleasures of my slowed-down writing life.

    Jan 08 2010

    5 mins

  • An Australian Literary Treasure

    I arrived in Australia as a French-speaking five-year-old, without a […]

    Jan 01 2010

    6 mins

  • Saint-Simon and the Stranger

    AUDIO: Sophie Masson reads her short story “Saint-Simon and the Stranger”.

    Dec 26 2009

    0 mins

  • The writing life: 4

    In our modern society, to be left bereft of the magic and beauty, the robust humour and deep wisdom of fairytales and their older cousins, myths and legends, is to be open to every withering blast of nihilism.

    Dec 07 2009

    3 mins

  • Dreamer

    “So what seems to be the trouble?” The psychologist spoke […]

    Dec 01 2009

    31 mins