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Simon P. Kennedy

Simon P. Kennedy

The Latest From Simon P. Kennedy

  • Australia is Just Alright With Me

    Having found myself caught in the middle of an angry, anti-Semitic demonstration in London -- a rally replete with Hamas flags and calls for the elimination of Israel -- it is impossible not to look upon Australia in a kinder, more appreciative light. Compared to the existential crisis that is now gripping much of Europe since the cataclysm of October 7, Australia is a haven of sanity and stability. We have much to be thankful for

    Nov 25 2023

    6 mins

  • Hungary and the Future of Western Conservatism

    One of Viktor Orbán’s leading advisers is Balázs Orbán, who shares the same surname but is not related. A former lecturer in law, he is the equivalent of a court scholar and the ideal person to ask about the country's long history of subjugation, the Fidesz government and the international Left's efforts to smear a vibrant democracy as a fascist state.

    Jul 27 2023

    24 mins

  • True Conservatism and the Future of the Right

    Conservatives can no longer be taken seriously as liberal-conservative fusionists, because our historical moment demands something more robust than the mere defence of individual rights and free markets. Token appearances from Russell Kirk and Roger Scruton in the footnotes will not save us from the liberal vacuum that right-wing Millian thought has created

    Jul 28 2022

    20 mins

  • Liberalism’s Problem with Christianity

    One doesn’t need to believe in order to understand the principles of early Protestant political ideas on liberty, the role of the civil magistrate and civil society. Yet, without the Christian faith as a foundation, liberalism will not help us live well together

    Apr 14 2017

    16 mins

  • Dan Andrews, Political Crossdresser

    Victoria's Labor premier ousted a hapless Liberal government by presenting himself as the no-fuss, no-frills candidate who would focus on fixing dangerous level crossings and improving public transport. What the Garden State got is a radical social engineer

    Oct 06 2016

    3 mins

  • The Destruction of the Family

    Family is no mere sociological construct, so we must stop treating it like one. It is how people live and thrive. It is natural. It carries with it certain obligations and duties. It is not malleable, no matter how hard those bent on re-defining the institution try to make it so

    Oct 28 2015

    8 mins