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Sheryl Persson

Sheryl Persson

The Latest From Sheryl Persson

  • Parallels of Lassitude

    Parallels of Lassitude Sky is earth’s striped verandah and in […]

    Jul 01 2013

    1 mins

  • Saturday Matinee

    after Study for Going to the Pictures 1941 by Russell […]

    Nov 01 2012

    1 mins

  • Two Poems

    DISH in a purple field of paterson’s curse did not […]

    Dec 01 2011

    1 mins

  • Gossip

     Gossip Grapevine Stille Poste Chinese Whispers Broken Telephone Le Téléphone […]

    Oct 29 2010

    1 mins

  • A Conversation Between Portraits

    (after Nora Heysen’s portrait, Robert H. Black MD c1950, and […]

    Jul 01 2010

    2 mins

  • At Dawn

    silver morning flaunts itself to swamp mahogany and mangrove the […]

    Mar 01 2010

    0 mins

  • Beyond

    Death, I think, was always very near the surface of […]

    Mar 01 2010

    1 mins

  • Anzac Bridge

                                          A                                                                          A                               mantis                                                                 descant                              stretching                                                            […]

    Apr 01 2009

    5 mins

  • The Nolans at St Kilda Pier

    after Giggle Palace, 1949, by Sidney Nolan The world was […]

    Nov 01 2008

    1 mins