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Scott A. McConnell

Scott A. McConnell

The Latest From Scott A. McConnell

  • The Meaning of Elvis

    To whom could the young, innocuous American rebels of the Fifties look? Brando was too negative for broad appeal. Ditto James Dean, whose cool was that of an outsider. Then along came Elvis, one of those rare individuals who become the symbol of their time

    Feb 23 2019

    10 mins

  • The Meaning of the Western

    Remember Shane, Bonanza and The Lone Ranger? In novel, film […]

    Feb 28 2018

    53 mins

  • Cricket, the Great Mental Game

    Many people, even some otherwise kindly disposed to sport, don't "get" cricket, which is a great pity. The sport's gift to humanity is how well it trains the mind and body to pursue success and happiness. More than a mere entertainment, it conveys the greatness of the mind in action

    Feb 06 2016

    37 mins