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Rudolf Vyborny

Rudolf Vyborny

The Latest From Rudolf Vyborny

  • Delusions blossom in the ashes of Labor’s defeat

    Rudd & Co persuaded themselves that lies, spin, smears and broken promises represented a coherent philosophy of government. The voting public proved much smarter than that

    Sep 12 2013

    4 mins

  • Labor’s delusions blossom in the dust of defeat

    Rudd & Co managed to convince themselves that theirs was the party of probity, honesty and sound economic stewardship, only to have those conceits rudely rejected at the ballot box. Yet Labor clings to those delusions even now, as do its apologists in the media

    Sep 11 2013

    4 mins

  • One view science policy

    With such failures of prediction, people might prefer to use a clairvoyant rather than a climate change professor. Respect is now hopelessly lost.

    Oct 03 2011

    4 mins

  • Malaysian fiasco

    To criticize the Chief Justice of the High Court looks like blaming the referee for a lost football game, it makes you look a bad loser and changes absolutely nothing in the result.

    Sep 07 2011

    4 mins

  • States of deceit

    Life under communism was unbearable for me. I found a new home in Australia where I cherish my freedom. Lately, I am concerned, even alarmed, by similarities between some aspects of life under communism and here.

    May 24 2011

    6 mins