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Royston Mitchell

Royston Mitchell

The Latest From Royston Mitchell

  • The Houston Panel’s total and utter failure

    It has taken only a year for the report that purported to offer an end to the tide of boat people to be revealed not merely as ineffective but, much worse, as a perverse prescription for the further erosion of Australia's border security  

    Aug 07 2013

    4 mins

  • Another Immigration Minister all at sea

    Like his predeccessors, Brendan O'Connor seems to believe that ridiculing Tony Abbott will stop those boats. And do you know what? Incompetence, incoherence and misleading press release will not stop them either

    Feb 24 2013

    5 mins

  • Nauru changes nothing

    Even after all the wasted lives and dollars, place no great stock in the Gillard government's embrace of Nauru, where a re-built camp will neither deter the boats nor diminish the shame of four years' incompetence and posturing

    Sep 26 2012

    5 mins

  • Squandering boom benefits

    Labor doing what Labor does best.

    Jun 05 2012

    4 mins

  • Malice by proxy

    Get Up has mutated into the PC enforcement wing of the federal Labor party.

    Mar 27 2012

    6 mins

  • Government of sorrows

    Gillard’s response to the latest tragedy has been superb to date; she hasn’t opened her mouth and said a word. No sentences with fourteen references to Tony Abbott; no attempt to deny four years of failure.

    Dec 20 2011

    6 mins

  • Global Animosity Club

    The latest episode of the left's default position – when in doubt, hate – is the attempt to prevent the Israel Research Forum at Sydney University next week.

    Oct 27 2011

    4 mins

  • It was Abbott!

    Labor does not and has never processed asylum seekers offshore. In fact, they secured government in 2007 on the premise that they would end offshore processing.

    Sep 26 2011

    5 mins

  • No Labor, no boats

    The safest way to stop the boats – remove Labor from Government.

    Sep 19 2011

    8 mins