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Rowan Dean

Rowan Dean

The Latest From Rowan Dean

  • Dame Edna’s Last Laugh

    In August 2023, well before the Sydney memorial at the Opera House, I was honoured to attend a Camberwell celebration of Barry’s life in his home suburb. Although both were very moving send-offs, if he had to choose between them, I suspect Barry would nominate the Melbourne event. Or would he?

    Mar 30 2024

    8 mins

  • SBS on high wire

    The decision by public broadcaster SBS to screen the documentary Man on Wire on the tenth anniversary of September 11 seemed at first to be either incredibly insensitive or downright cheeky.

    Sep 19 2011

    4 mins

  • RIP Hamza

    In light of the brutal torture and mutilation of 13 year old Hamza al-Khatib in Syria, is it time to admit that the Arab Spring will never lead to an Arab Summer of Love?

    Jun 07 2011

    7 mins

  • Seeing the Light on Earth Hour

    It’s easy to poke fun at Earth Hour. I’ve been […]

    May 01 2011

    8 mins