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Ross Fitzgerald

Ross Fitzgerald

The Latest From Ross Fitzgerald

  • Throwing Money at Edukashun

    A planned 50 per cent increase in school funding over the next decade, on top of a 50 per cent increase in the past decade, is unlikely to make much difference as long as two-thirds of Australian youngsters are educated in state school systems that are essentially run by teacher unions

    Aug 16 2019

    5 mins

  • Office of Confusion ‘Under the Crown’

    Until the Constitution is changed or  the High Court changes its collective mind, all federal parliamentary candidates need to think carefully about Section 44  -- and that includes independent Wentworth contender Kerryn Phelps

    Oct 11 2018

    5 mins

  • Uselessness to the Power of Two

    Australians confront a grim choice: a purported conservative who is nothing of the kind and an unctuously insincere main-chancer who makes the skin crawl. Labor doesn’t deserve to win and the Liberals deserve to lose, but one party will -- and the country will go right on being stiffed and stuffed

    Jul 11 2018

    5 mins

  • Chifley, Labor and the Gink’s Revenge

    A young and ardent Labor supporter, Wolfgang Stargardt set out to produce a volume of Ben Chifley's speeches. He succeeded in that endeavour, but not before coming to understand the luminosity of that "light on the hill" which  supposedly inspired the ALP was not all it was cracked up to be

    Jan 08 2018

    13 mins

  • Go Now, Mr Turnbull. Just Go

    The Prime Minister would never admit he is case and perhaps, given such a monumental ego, does not even recognise that someone who can bested by Bill Shorten is fit only for retirement. He might not grasp his end is nigh, but count on anxious Coalition members to soon remind him

    Nov 21 2017

    5 mins

  • Ten More Newspolls To Go…

    After years of devious white-anting and courting the favour of the ABC as its indulgent ministerial overseer, Malcolm Turnbull knifed Tony Abbott on the premise that 30 losing polls marked him for execution. With his own tally now at 20 bad polls and growing, even he must hear the tumbril coming

    Oct 12 2017

    5 mins

  • When Communists Invaded Cold War Canberra

    The seemingly endless second prime ministerial stint of Liberal Party […]

    Aug 31 2017

    8 mins

  • Bob Santamaria, Labor’s Nemesis

    Lucid, revealing, brief and to the point, Robert Murray's "Labor and Santamaria" is a book for lovers of Australian political history to savour and, as the author intends, to once again contemplate the man who, almost two decades after his death, remains the object of both adoration and bile

    Jul 31 2017

    5 mins

  • Manning Clark and the Archaeologist

    The fate of Dr A.I. Dikigoropoulos is a cautionary tale and offers a clear demonstration of how getting a job as an academic at an Australian university can be a tricky business. Often there is no discernible connection between having great merit and being appointed

    Jul 18 2017

    10 mins