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Roslyn Ross

Roslyn Ross

The Latest From Roslyn Ross

  • Roslyn Ross: ‘The Winnowing’

    The Winnowing Raised across the parapet of mind, words frowned […]

    May 28 2024

    1 mins

  • The Voice Advocates’ Tower of Babel

    In Aboriginal communities clan violence lives on and, as Noel Pearson recently demonstrated with his attack on Mick Gooda, there is discord and infighting even amongst the elites. If the urban Aborigine elite can't speak in the shared tongue of a common vision, what hope for the Voice to do anything more than feather the nests of its loudest advocates?

    Jun 12 2023

    7 mins

  • The Rise of the Neo-Puritans

    In case you haven't noticed, ours is an age of extremism, censorship and fanatical positions on issues which once would have been open to debate and hearty dissent. It is also an age where those who question these new ‘faiths’, from the apocalytic climate change to veganism, are hated, reviled and cancelled -- albeit, not for the moment, atop a pyre

    Oct 21 2022

    7 mins

  • The Little-Mentioned Ignoble Savage

    When history is sourced in fantasy and fabrications, as is increasingly the case in regard to pre-contact Aboriginal society, we are denied insights other than recognising the Rousseauean urge to frame the primitive past as a damning indictment of the present. If the past is to be viewed through rose-coloured glass, best to know the tint is that of blood, war and slaughter

    Aug 01 2022

    8 mins

  • The Needed and Overdue Farewell to Alms

    Aid to remote Aboriginal communities has done more harm than good. But to those well-meaning souls who empty the horn of plenty into communities whose power structures and mores they can't begin to understand it always seems a good idea. That insistence on repeating failure in hope of a different result is the genesis of so many ongoing tragedies

    Jun 21 2022

    14 mins