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Roger Franklin

Online Editor

Roger Franklin

Online Editor

The Latest From Roger Franklin

  • You have to laugh

    The Australian's Johannes Leak has been on the receiving end of a stern letter from the Senator's lawyers asserting that the sketch is racist.

    Jul 19 2024

    2 mins

  • The media is the menace

    The Washington Free Beacon's editors resist the temptation to see the Democrats'  "moronic and misguided talking points" as inspiring Thomas Crooks' attempt on the life of Donald Trump.

    Jul 17 2024

    1 mins

  • Joe Biden on the Back Foot

    Within minutes of the attempt on Donald Trump's life, Joe Biden's handlers suspended all campaign advertising. They had no choice. As demonstrated in the weeks leading up to the shooting, the Democrats' entire campaign has been based on painting the challenger as a monster in the Hitlerian mould. What tack Biden takes now is anyone's guess

    Jul 16 2024

    6 mins

  • ‘Civility’, they say

    This morning, Sunday in America, the weekend talk shows are in full swing, and if you had a dollar for every time "we need a return to civility" is being uttered you would be rich indeed.

    Jul 15 2024

    3 mins

  • Trump Wounded. God Help America Now

    Donald Trump has been clipped by a bullet that bloodied his ear at a Pennsylvania rally. Reports are sketchy, but while the gunman's identity remains unknown, there is no doubt who loaded his gun. You can't spend years branding a political opponent as Hitler 2.0 and not expect some to take it seriously

    Jul 14 2024

    3 mins

  • How Does President Kamala Sound?

    Donald Trump's coffers overflowed after the 'hush trial' and more cash surged in when the debate laid bare an incoherent old man. Now, amid his own party's escalating campaign to winkle Biden out of the Oval Office, the Democrats' donors are on strike. Today's press conference is his last, best, slim hope

    Jul 12 2024

    7 mins

  • Vale William Rubinstein

    We mourn the passing of Quadrant contributor, William Rubenstein.

    Jul 11 2024

    1 mins

  • The Allah Party

    The UK Telegraph's Jake Wallace Simons provides a lengthy and incisive analysis of the role Muslim voters played not only in aiding the Conservatives' ouster but also of Labour members deemed insufficiently devoted to Hamas.

    Jul 10 2024

    1 mins

  • All the news that’s fit to spike

    Former NYT reporter Alex Berenson breaks quite a few stories at his Substack blog, on Friday revealing that a Parkinson's specialist has been a frequent visitor to the White House.

    Jul 09 2024

    2 mins