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Roger Franklin

Online Editor

Roger Franklin

Online Editor

The Latest From Roger Franklin

  • Enola gay?

    Evidence that the world has gone mad grows harder to ignore. From the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, these thoughts on what the queer perspective can bring to nuclear war.

    Aug 22 2024

    1 mins

  • A Gale of Lies in the Windy City

    The media gives Trump less coverage and then almost exclusively of the negative variety, which in turn leads to stories asserting his campaign is faltering. The logic is circular and self-fulfilling and, like the Chicago convention's stage-managed reverence for Joe Biden, not to be taken seriously

    Aug 21 2024

    6 mins

  • Kamalalalia

    The Democrats have just begun their convention in Chicago, the hope being that anti-Semitic protests don't become riots, Steven Spielberg's stage-management goes off without a hitch and -- fingers tightly crossed --  Kamala Harris doesn't get too close to a microphone and go off script.

    Aug 20 2024

    2 mins

  • Notes from all over

    Now that the Olympics have  demonstrated how reality knocks gender theory into a cocked hat when a 'transwoman' athlete meets a biological woman in the ring, reader Simone writes to note a recent National Institute of Health study.

    Aug 17 2024

    3 mins

  • The Seriously Silly Science of Making Stuff Up

    Our peak science bureaucracy wants 'Indigenous scientists' to pair with their Western counterparts and, in the testimony of Aboriginal academic Professor Bradley Moggridge, 'have their knowledge seen as equal'. Honestly, you would laugh out loud if it wasn't such a threat to genuine learning

    Aug 15 2024

    15 mins

  • No free speech for you, Doc

    Perth-based blogger Rebekah Barnett has been following and reporting the outrageous treatment of Melbourne doctor Jereth Kok, who was suspended under emergency provisions by the medical regulators in 2019 after two anonymous complaints about his social media posts.

    Aug 10 2024

    1 mins

  • Some of Kamala’s Best Friends are Jews

    Josh Shapiro is an observant Jew, which would appear the sole reason he was blackballed for the Veep slot. His background and faith also made him a cynically useful tool for the Harris campaign to deploy, demean, exploit and set aside, which is precisely what has happened.

    Aug 09 2024

    7 mins

  • Geese, Tarts and Presidential Politics

    Kamala Harris was a 29-year-old assistant district attorney just restarting her career after a second shot at the bar exam when California power-broker Willie Brown, 30 years her senior and the original Slick Willie, touched his lover with a magic wand. Up she floated, and floated, and has kept right on floating

    Aug 07 2024

    8 mins