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Robert M. Kaplan

Robert M. Kaplan

The Latest From Robert M. Kaplan

  • Gallipolli, Genocide and Johnny Turk

    Would veterans of the Waffen SS be welcomed as marchers on Anzac Day? The very idea is appalling, yet every year we hear only of the bravery of the Turks -- nothing of the genocidal massacres of Armenians and others which, long after Germans accepted their guilt, the leaders continue aggressively to deny

    Apr 25 2016

    4 mins

  • Shrink-Wrapped Slaughter

    Genocidal Bosnian psychiatrist Radovan Karadzic has been sentenced at last. Justice done, you might say without fear of contradiction, but what is it about psychiatry that has so often made it the handmaiden of despots and butchers?

    Apr 02 2016

    4 mins

  • A Radical Psychiatrist in His Time

    Before the Second World War, when psychiatry was held in […]

    Nov 01 2013

    12 mins