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Rob Long

Rob Long

The Latest From Rob Long

  • The Un-Diverse Class

    'We’re thinking of moving to Kentucky,' an old friend confessed recently, such a move from Manhattan likely to lift his child's chances of being admitted to an Ivy League university. It turns out that a rich white kid from poor-as-dirt hillbilly country is a lot more interesting to college admissions officers than a rich white kid from the Upper East Side

    Apr 27 2023

    11 mins

  • Down on Canal Street

    Progressivess always have trouble with the working poor. They prefer the kind of abject Dickensian poverty that can be ministered to, the kind that calls out for boldly intrusive policies and new government interventions. But poor people getting by, making do? That would be an affront to the progressive sensibility, which always requires a villain

    Nov 25 2022

    8 mins

  • The Empty Subway Car Rule

    People only stay at the Yale Club in Manhattan when they’re looking for a cheap but respectable option—something they can charge to their membership and, if necessary, take several months to pay off. Well it's booked solid, which is what poker players call a 'tell'. And what it tells you is something very straightforward: tough times ahead

    Oct 25 2022

    10 mins

  • A New Vogue for Smoking in Manhattan

    The Big Apple has transformed itself from a place of jittery, brittle energies — a place for nicotine-fuelled go-getters and pushy type-A neurotics and in-your-face fuggeddaboutits — into a place where everyone just wants to kick back and, like, chill. Sniff the air, catch that ubiquitous pong of marijuana smoke and part of the reason for the change becomes immediately clear

    Jun 30 2022

    9 mins

  • Mugger Money and a New Epidemic of Crime

    Progressive social scientists, it turned out to the astonishment of none but progressive social scientists, were wrong: crime could go down even if the 'root causes' went unaddressed. New York became a peaceful, liveable city and we all forget about carrying a second, decoy wallet to placate sidewalk bandits. These days in a very bruised Big Apple it's back to the future

    Mar 19 2022

    10 mins

  • The Coffee Guy and the Pastry Woman

    My local coffee shop in Manhattan is two shops in […]

    Jun 29 2021

    9 mins

  • In Search of Woody Allen

    The worst part about reading Woody Allen’s winning and witty […]

    Mar 13 2021

    16 mins