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Rebecca Weisser

Editor in Chief

Rebecca Weisser

Editor in Chief

The Latest From Rebecca Weisser

  • The Hourglass Economy

    Auto-Industrialism: DIY Capitalism and the Rise of the Auto-Industrial Society […]

    Apr 30 2017

    9 mins

  • Games Politicians Play: Liberal, Labor, Insiders, Outsiders

    After Malcolm Turnbull became prime minister last year the veteran […]

    Jun 01 2016

    10 mins

  • The War Against Thrift

    That Labor might punish savers is lamentable but not surprising, as it long ago morphed into the party of public servants, welfare beneficiaries and feather-bedded union mates. That Liberals are casting an acquisitive eye on the wealth of those who worked, earned and saved is appalling

    Apr 27 2016

    9 mins

  • Who Runs the Liberal Party?

    Slowly, as if awakening from a drug-induced phantasmagoria, some of those erstwhile Abbott-backers are asking themselves what they have done. Their deepest fear is that by changing leaders they have not just changed the country but the party

    Mar 01 2016

    9 mins

  • Clashing Symbols

    Labor's enduring and tragic delusion, encouraged by admirers such as those who put together the ABC's recent Killing Season series, is its utter faith that it managed the economy with aplomb, did not overspend and navigated the GFC with a sure and steady hand

    Jul 21 2015

    12 mins

  • The Budget Bounce

    Now that Abbott & Co are enjoying a resurgence in the polls and Bill Shorten's union past is casting its shadow, the usual suspects -- Fairfax and the ABC -- are beating up Joe Hockey for daring to note that house prices are high and likely to remain so until regulations are pared and supply increased

    Jun 10 2015

    12 mins

  • BoreCons and the Doctrine of Dullness

    While ideological conservatives hunger for the bold reforms of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, voters in these troubled times respond not to radical rhetoric but reassurance. Tony Abbott has taken note, as next week's budget will demonstrate

    May 08 2015

    11 mins