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Rebecca Weisser

Editor in Chief

Rebecca Weisser

Editor in Chief

The Latest From Rebecca Weisser

  • September 2024 Issue Available

    The September 2024 issue of our magazine is now available via our website and in newsagents. You can click here to view the contents. Digital subscribers can enjoy the PDF and online articles now, and print subscribers will receive their hardcopies in the mail.

    Sep 02 2024

    0 mins

  • Sleepwalking into War

    Russia has long insisted that in return for peace, Ukraine must give up the 20 per cent of its territory that Russia currently occupies as well as any aspiration of joining NATO. These terms were unacceptable to Ukraine.

    Aug 29 2024

    7 mins

  • The Green Tide Turns in Europe

    Vaclav Klaus made astute points about the EU elections. First, he rejected the term 'populism' as a dangerous progressive label used to attack 'rational thinking and political freedom'. Second, environmentalism, institutionalised in Europe, is the number one danger, the basis of the 'new society'

    Aug 25 2024

    8 mins

  • Choosing China over Sweden

    The real problem was not just that health minister Greg Hunt colluded with the premiers to lockdown Australia and the mandating of vaccines that were neither safe nor effective, but that he presided over the censorship and persecution of doctors, researchers and anyone else who dared to criticise the government narrative

    Jun 03 2024

    8 mins

  • Choosing China over Sweden

    This week, Zhang Zhan, a Chinese citizen journalist and former lawyer, is set to be released after four years in jail for the heinous crime of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”.

    May 27 2024

    8 mins

  • Fertile Grounds for Revolt

    Progressives denounce populism as a 'threat' to democracy, observes editor Rebecca Weisser in our just-released May edition. As former Prime Minister Tony Abbott also writes in this edition, 'If it’s the elected populists that worry you, isn’t that mistrusting democracy itself?'

    May 01 2024

    7 mins

  • Vale David Martin Jones

    It is with the deepest sadness that I must advise of the tragic passing of David Martin Jones. Intellectually brilliant, a good and kind man, and a great friend to Quadrant, David had so much more to give the world. He will be sorely missed by so many, not least our readers

    Apr 17 2024

    3 mins

  • The Populist Moment

    By a strange alignment of the electoral stars, more than […]

    Mar 27 2024

    8 mins

  • Breaking O’Sullivan’s Law

    O’Sullivan’s Law states that all organisations that are not explicitly […]

    Feb 28 2024

    8 mins