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Razeen Sally

Razeen Sally

The Latest From Razeen Sally

  • The World Still Needs America in Asia

    Those of us in Asia and elsewhere who believe in a liberal global order should work with kindred spirits in the US to keep it looking outward, rather than turning inward, and to advance, not retreat, from its leadership responsibilities. The US remains the indispensable nation

    Aug 30 2017

    24 mins

  • Capitalism’s Halting Progress in Asia

    China’s “market Leninism” graphically illustrates the tension between a static political system and a fast-changing, globally integrated market economy. Will China’s party-state adapt, or will it stagnate and get stuck in the middle-income trap? The auguries are not good.

    Jan 02 2016

    29 mins

  • Economic Liberalism and Asian Vitality

    It is easy to be gloomy about the state of […]

    Nov 01 2015

    15 mins