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Rafe Champion

Rafe Champion

The Latest From Rafe Champion

  • The Great Wind Delusion

    What will happen when the Liddell coal-fired power station closes, as planned in three years time? Calculate the amount of installed wind capacity required to replace 1.8 gigawatts when the fleet of wind turbines is operating at at its typical 10 per cent capacity: grid failure, blackouts and pain, lots of pain

    Mar 10 2020

    5 mins

  • Defending the Merchants of Alarmism

    This appears to be the first book of its kind, […]

    May 31 2019

    15 mins

  • The Struggle Continues

    Peter Boettke's F.A. Hayek: Economics, Political Economy and Social Philosophy has beaten a path through several decades of intensive work by a great thinker to identify the most important and fruitful line of march for scholars and friends of liberal democracy. We are fortunate that classical liberalism has such an energetic champion

    Jan 21 2019

    13 mins

  • The Green Left’s Long March

    The anti-nuclear movement spawned today's radical environmentalism. Using the 'front group' tactic beloved of communist agitators, it fed lies to sympathetic reporters and whipped reasonable concerns into hair-trigger sensitivities. Its progeny is your last and ever more outrageous electricity bill

    Apr 16 2018

    19 mins

  • Wrongly Reported 97% of the Time

    The methodology of John Cook's infamous paper purporting to demonstrate global warming must be real because almost all scientists believe in it has long since been demolished. But there is another flaw hitherto overlooked: the extent to which humans are thought responsible

    Jul 11 2017

    9 mins

  • The Old Quarrel

    Patrick White and God by Michael Giffin Cambridge Scholars, 2017, […]

    Feb 28 2017

    14 mins

  • Karl Popper on the Limits of Tolerance

    Where do we draw a line against the intolerance of bad 'religions', of which the philosopher regarded Nazism as a secular variant? Today, militant Islam fits that same mould -- as do its left-liberal apologists, whose reverence for relativism is the offering laid before the altar of totalitarian militancy

    Jul 17 2015

    4 mins

  • Swinging Theodolite

    The Sydney surveyor and poet R.D. FitzGerald (1902–87) played a […]

    Apr 01 2012

    13 mins

  • Jacques Barzun’s Century

    This essay was first published in Quadrant, April 2007, and is republished to celebrate Barzun’s 104th birthday.

    Nov 30 2011

    20 mins