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Rachael Kohn

Rachael Kohn

The Latest From Rachael Kohn

  • The Language of Delusion

    The Arabs lost in1948 and have since used a motley collection of Circassian, Turkish, Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese Arabs, renamed Palestinians in 1967, to ceaselessly prosecute the original war of rejection

    Sep 11 2024

    8 mins

  • Interfaith or Bad Faith? Dialogue with Jews

    The Muslim leadership in Australia does not acknowledge one simple and incontrovertible fact, that Israel is central to Jews and Judaism, historically and today. Israel is not a dispensable ingredient in what it means to be Jewish, despite the marginal Jews who can always be found penning diatribes against it, especially for Al Jazeera

    Mar 31 2024

    12 mins

  • Hoax Springs Eternal

    PwC was hired by the Victorian Treaty Advancement Commission to help determine who was an elder. After consulting 201 elders in 19 workshops, '80 per cent of those consulted wanted a way to challenge spurious elders'. This which not only turned out to be impossible, it called into question just how reliable were the 201 elders consulted in the first place!

    Mar 12 2024

    15 mins

  • Jacinta Price and Assimilation

    As anyone with a close enough knowledge of Aboriginal life in the outback knows -- as do Jacinta Price and her parents, Bess and Dave Price -- 'the gap', which is a short form for the misery and suffering of the 20 per cent of Aborigines who live remotely, is largely a result of traditional practices ill fitted to modern Australia

    Jan 07 2024

    6 mins

  • Muslim Assimilation and its Malcontents

    Accepting Australian values of egalitarianism and freedom of conscience won't happen for Muslim Australians as long as they are beholden to the imams and sheiks, the gatekeepers in Islam. How wide the gulf? Well, the day after Hamas stormed through southern Israel, kidnapping, butchering, raping and torturing hundreds of men, women and children, the front page of the Australian Muslim Times was jubilant

    Nov 30 2023

    8 mins

  • The Dead Sea Scrolls’ Australian Connection

    With the dating of the Scrolls placing their origin at the right place at the right time, the first question was 'Could this be the origins of the Jesus movement?' Many outlandish speculations followed until something of a consensus emerged: the Qumran cache reflects and records the period's host of rival ideas, radical movements and messianic sects

    Nov 13 2022

    9 mins

  • The Moral Society

    In what would be his last book, Jonathan Sacks insists he has not been overcome by cultural pessimism. Yet his less sanguine readers will note in chapter after chapter the signposts he observes on Western civilisation's descending path, beginning with the outsourcing of moral responsibility to the state

    Mar 28 2021

    10 mins