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QoL Editor

QoL Editor

The Latest From QoL Editor

  • Quadrant’s Churchill Contretemps

    A review of a new Churchill biography in our December edition prompted what became a debate in three installments, all collected here, on the one page, that readers might judge the merits of the contenders' assertions and, if they have the good sense to subscribe, join the debate via the comments thread

    Apr 20 2019

    2 mins

  • Pro-Pell and Pulped as a Consequence

    An academic's defence of Cardinal George Pell last week led to the entire edition of Hobart's Catholic Herald being recalled and shredded. Transcribed by a Quadrant Online reader, here is the column that prompted such an extraordinary measure

    Mar 13 2019

    3 mins

  • The Angry Summers

    First, Quadrant Online's Tony Thomas irked Anne Summers. Now the scamp is in the bad books with this site's editor. How can he ever show his face in public again?

    Mar 19 2013

    2 mins