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Phil Shannon

Phil Shannon

The Latest From Phil Shannon

  • Part Two: COVID, Politics and Psychology

    We have been controlled, censored and misled by authoritarian 'experts' and political handlers bent on enforcing an ineffective -- indeed, disastrous -- response to a virus currently displaying a naturally declining virulence. This can never be admitted or regretted as that would bare incompetence and official stupidity as the guiding lights of the pandemic's public health excesses

    Feb 05 2022

    17 mins

  • COVID, Politics and Psychology

    Well here we are, two years into that 'two weeks to flatten the curve' and the fear factor still being turned up to 11 by politicians and health bureaucrats who can neither repudiate their earlier hysterics, for that would imply they aren't experts at all, or who genuinely believe pizza boxes and footballs are mortal threats. Suitable cases for analysis and treatment one and all

    Feb 04 2022

    16 mins

  • Civil Liberties Groups’ Judas Kiss

    'Just two weeks to flatten the curve'. Do you remember when that was the mantra before the lockdowns, curfews, border closures, ruinous fines, plastic bullets, vaccine passports and no jab/no job mandatory vaccinations? And through it all those bodies which claim to be defending freedom's ramparts uttered barely a protest, if indeed they said anything at all

    Dec 11 2021

    19 mins

  • When Policy is Impaled on a COVID spike

    COVID-19 has trapped political leaders in the consequences of their initial mad panic. What premier or prime minister will ever concede that the virus can't be eliminated -- not permanently anyway -- and that all the ruined businesses and uneducated children were for nothing. That's why the push for vaccine passports must be seen for what it is: a politicians' escape hatch

    Jul 21 2021

    12 mins

  • The Lockdowns, Their Beneficiaries and Consequences

    Lockdowns remain the politicians’ favourite tool because they deliver eye-watering dividends, prompting public acclaim even for Victoria's Daniel Andrews, whose many and various sins of omission and commission received scant attention while the panic was at its height. What next? There is little ground for optimism

    Mar 24 2021

    13 mins

  • Good Reason to be Sceptical of Skeptics

    Diligently refuting ‘alternative health’ charlatans was what the Skeptics once deemed their flint-eyed duty, but along came COVID and the tune changed to an immediate and unquestioning support for lockdowns. Bear in mind that RN's Phillip Adams is a prominent member and you'll have an idea how much credence they deserve

    Mar 05 2021

    9 mins

  • The Science is Settled. Lefties are Fearful Scolds

    We all know that modern liberals can't argue a case and that their stock standard response to ideas other than what they have been told to believe is flinging insults -- 'racist', 'homophobe' 'bigot' etc -- and decamping to the coda of a farewell 'shut up'. Well there's a reason they're that way, poor things, as a team of US and New Zealand researchers have just laid out

    Jan 28 2021

    5 mins

  • How to Deal with an Angry Wokester

    With Christmas almost upon us and festive gatherings set to produce this year's close encounters with woke guests and infuriatingly doctrinaire leftoid family members, it pays to be prepared, Here's a reformed red-raggers' guide to coping with hectoring, illogical, foul-mouthed and identity-obsessed AWLs -- Angry Woke Liberals

    Dec 10 2020

    12 mins