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Phil Shannon

Phil Shannon

The Latest From Phil Shannon

  • COVID’s Last True Believers Keep the Faith

    Adelaide's mainstream media leaves much to be desired, especially in two recent examples of COVID panicmongers keeping the faith in the dying days of our three-year hysteria. What goes pointedly unquestioned, even as the volume of evidence grows, is the efficacy and side effects of the vaccines and their boosters

    Apr 21 2023

    7 mins

  • AOTY: Every Year a Bigger Woke Joke

    There will never be another universally popular Australian of the Year like Paul Hogan or country music's Slim Dusty. Cricket heroes, too, were once a staple on the awards list, but such pale and male figures can mostly be scratched from future consideration, with perhaps one exception. As a preacher of ill-informed, half-baked eco-doom, the sermonising captain of our current First XI might yet overcome the twin disadvantages of his skin pigment and sex

    Apr 14 2023

    10 mins

  • Polls Apart From a Needed COVID Post-Mortem

    Virus fatigue at both elite and popular levels, together with the economically unsustainable COVID Derangement Syndrome as society’s default mode, contributed greatly to the lockdowns, mandates and restrictions overstaying their welcome. Now that the madness is fading, as opinion surveys show, a royal commission is the least Australians are owed

    Feb 14 2023

    12 mins

  • And Now a Woke Word from Our Sponsor…

    If the woke make-over of Australian TV ads is a minor metric for the dismembement of Western civilisation before the high altar of multi-culti diversity, well we're either in a whole lot of trouble or the last census grossly undercounted sex-swap razor users, gay chocolate lovers and the perpetually harassed and oppressed women of the modern West

    Oct 08 2022

    10 mins

  • The COVID End-Game: It’s Time for Answers

    After more than two years of panic, hysteria, self-promoting know-nothings, police violence and policies that could never have led to anything but the massive and pointless disruption of millions of lives, things on the COVID front have settled to the point where a rational post mortem is not merely possible but essential. Simply put, we need a fair, open and sweeping royal commission

    Sep 23 2022

    14 mins

  • The Immigration Debate by the Numbers

    Despite a majority of Australians not being keen on the Big Australia concept, this isn't reflected in the political sphere, where immigration's boosting of the population by an additional million every four years sees both major parties on the same page. Yet, when critics Judith Sloan, Ross Garnaut and Karl Marx find themselves in accord, there's clearly an issue of substance to be discussed. Sadly, it isn't being

    Aug 11 2022

    15 mins

  • COVID: The Lessons We Dare Not Forget

    Emergency powers, which enabled the dictatorship of unelected pubic health officials and police supremos, need to be applied only to the natural disasters for which they were originally intended. That's the most valuable lesson of many to be gleaned from the catastrophic circus of the past two ruinous years

    Jun 01 2022

    15 mins

  • COVID Crossdressers of the Left and Right

    The masked-up and muzzled Left, the lock-downed and cattle-tagged Left, the obedience-trained and QR-coded Left has been on the wrong side of the greatest public policy disaster for generations and, because of this, one can only hope political oblivion beckons. Meanwhile, conservatives proclaim for freedom in language their foes would once have used

    Mar 30 2022

    13 mins

  • A COVID Guide for South Australia’s Election

    There are plenty of good options at the ballot box for South Australians who want an end to two years of the COVID baloney.  Bipartisan orthodoxy will still win overall, of that there is little doubt, but for a return to sanity, economic health and the old Australia we all liked so much, a seat or two in the upper house for the anti-restriction/mandate parties couldn't do much harm

    Mar 08 2022

    10 mins