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Phil Shannon

Phil Shannon

The Latest From Phil Shannon

  • A Clean Break with Talent and Scholarship

    Perhaps I am being too harsh because, like Raygun, I have been kept awake at night by the 'significant gap in scholarship on hip-hop, breakdancing, and autoethnographic explorations of Deleuze-Guattarian theory'. The World Economic Forum, surprisingly, hasn’t cottoned on to this yet, so she is is filling a big gap

    Aug 15 2024

    5 mins

  • It’s American as Apple Somosa

    Quadrant Online wasn't the only one to remark open-mouthed about the US national cricket team's victory over powerhouse Pakistan. But perhaps the item was too short as it neglected to mention the American squad consists almost entirely of Subcontinentals, much to the delight of the open-borders crowd

    Jun 18 2024

    5 mins

  • The Swelling Ranks of Trump’s Australian Admirers

    According to a Lowy Institute survey, support for the once and possibly future president has seen a threefold increase since 2016, with almost one-third of respondents now favouring his return to the White House. There's a message there for Australian conservatives, if they have the wit to heed it

    Jun 14 2024

    5 mins

  • AFL: History and Good Sense go Walkabout

    Catch the Kuwarna vs. Euro-Yroke match? What's this you say? No idea what I'm talking about. Well shame on you! You're obviously a colonialist invader whose selfish wish it is to leave woke nostrums outside the stadium and watch a hard-fought contest. Well the AFL won't tolerate such bigotry, not now or ever

    May 26 2024

    5 mins

  • The Left Bows Low and Cries ‘Allahu Akbar’

    In days of old the Left had no philosophical truck with any religion, yet today so-called progressives grant the decidedly unprogressive Islam a special immunity from complaint or criticism. It's social pathologies -- sexist oppression, contempt for gays, and worse, are of no account when preached by an intersectional ally

    May 17 2024

    13 mins

  • Women on top – toponomy, to be precise

    Here a gap, there a gap, everywhere a gender gap. Australian feminists are taking their lead from sisters in Europe and California, where manholes have been neutered into 'maintenance holes' and sororities are now 'collegiate Greek system residences'. Now the push is on for more streets to be named after women, but only the right sort of women. Dead queens and saints need not apply

    Mar 14 2024

    9 mins

  • Immigration Reform That Isn’t

    The real aim of the much ballyhoed reform package is to mollify the immigration-weary public with cheap talk whilst keeping the gravy train steaming right along for property developers, the tertiary sector, employers of cheap labour and their tame politicians. It's a whipper-snipper when what's needed is a chainsaw

    Jan 12 2024

    8 mins

  • The Left’s Feral Menagerie Howls for Hamas

    Talk about chooks supporting KFC! Instantly, perhaps instinctively, news of the October 7 pogrom brought Australia's collective Left to its feet, cheering the slaughter because, well, they were Jews and that's always enough to justify murder, rape and kidnapping. Don't you just wish those gender-fluid, believe-all-women, pierced and purple-haired progressives could get a first-hand taste of how Hamas rolls

    Dec 04 2023

    15 mins

  • What’s in a Name? These Days, Plenty of Woke

    Poor old Captain James Fraser. First he lost his ship, then his life to Aborigines, and now his namesake island has been stripped of its European cartographer's designation. Ayers Rock was one of the high profile casualties of the Great Place Names War back in 1993, and even ‘Australia’ is under annual assault from those keen to rename the national birthday as Invasion Day. No Anglo place name, no matter how well established, is now safe

    Jul 07 2023

    12 mins