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Peter West

Peter West

The Latest From Peter West

  • Secret Western Women’s Business

    We are in the middle of an unprecedented civilisational experiment, and to restore any kind of vigour and optimism to Western civilisation, vigour and optimism must be restored to the family.

    Aug 29 2024

    23 mins

  • The Language and Logic of Sedition

    When Aboriginal activists deny the legitimacy of the Australian nation state, it is not merely a declaration of independence from the constitutional structure of our country but a vehement denial that it has any valid authority over anyone, be they black, white or brindle. Into such an ideology the urge to violence flows like water down a drain

    Nov 10 2023

    5 mins

  • Abortion, Agency and Conflicting Arguments

    Quadrant Online recently published contributor Declan Mansfield's thoughts on the US Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v Wade, prompting both favourable and critical reader responses. Today, in the interest of unfettered debate, Peter West aligns with the latter perspective and offers his own analysis

    Jul 09 2022

    6 mins

  • Trust the Science Almost Always

    Another time, another scare, another vaccine, another plea to 'do the right thing' by having children inoculated against Swine flu in 2009. If that sounds familiar, consider one consequence which has received far less attention: the hundreds of lawsuits and payouts filed and awarded to those who came down with narcolepsy after exposure to the Pandemrix vaccine

    Sep 14 2021

    4 mins

  • Between the Lines: Decoding Witness J

    In a long interview with Sky News after Cardinal Pell’s […]

    Jun 29 2020

    8 mins

  • Between the Lines: Decoding Witness ‘J’

    One of the curious sidebars to Cardinal George Pell's acquittal by the High Court was the outpouring of respect and sympathy for complainant 'J', who was variously hailed for his bravery and never, not once so far as I can tell, identified as a peddler of lies that proclaim him indifferent to the suffering of others

    Jun 05 2020

    7 mins

  • Why Be Rational When Panic Is an Option?

    The picture emerging from testing is that most Wuhan flu cases are mild or asymptomatic. The larger issue, of even more concern than the incompetence of our public health officialdom, is why the political class decided that whipping the economy down the road to a depression was the correct response

    Apr 27 2020

    3 mins

  • The Burden of Proof and the Pell Case

    The conviction of the guilty is just; it is the […]

    Feb 27 2020

    12 mins

  • Cardinal Pell and the Burden of Proof

    Those who police the law, and even more, those who adjudicate the law, bear a heavy responsibility, not merely for the integrity of their own decisions, but for the integrity of society as a whole. Can anyone, other than those determined from the outset to slander, charge and convict, assert with straight face that justice was done?

    Dec 30 2019

    12 mins