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Peter Wales

Peter Wales

The Latest From Peter Wales

  • Pope Francis: Curia and curiouser

    The Pontiff from Argentina is as yet a largely unknown quantity, although one would hope he does not represent a species of Jesuit so common in the US and Australia -- the sort, in other words, who spend their congregants' money on websites hailing Hugo Chavez

    Mar 14 2013

    3 mins

  • The Papal Punter’s Form Guide

    The Holy Spirit has some work to do in guiding the College of Cardinals as it selects the next Pontiff. Here is an introduction to the leading candidates' virtues and shortcomings

    Mar 13 2013

    14 mins

  • Downton Shabby: Plush sets and dog-eared cliches

    Downton Abbey's plotlines have gone pear-shaped, and the scriptwriters will really have to pull one out of the hat if the season just begun is to avoid drowning in its own cliches

    Feb 16 2013

    3 mins

  • Lies, damned lies and dolphins

    Green activists are once again turning Japan's annual dolphin hunt to their financial advantage, deep-sixing facts in favour of fund-raising propaganda. Sure, the slaughter at Taiji Cove is not for the squeamish, but neither is any Australian abattoir

    Jan 29 2013

    6 mins

  • In defence, mostly, of ‘Les Miserables’

    There is a lot wrong with the film, starting with Russell Crowe's acting and voice, but there remains much to admire, not least its advocacy of love's redemptive power

    Jan 01 2013

    5 mins

  • Educating dummies

    It is possible that the dismal mediocrity of the proposed National Curriculum could in the end be a good thing, because it could encourage more parents and students into private schools.

    Mar 10 2011

    4 mins