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Peter Wales

Peter Wales

The Latest From Peter Wales

  • Fascists, Faux and Real

    We all know about projection and the human inclination to perceive one's own frailties, flaws and follies in others. These days the concept is reradily observed. Look at those on the Left so loudly denouncing as 'fascists' all and sundry who disagree and you will find the genuine lovers of jackboots

    Jul 05 2018

    6 mins

  • Evidence, Memory and the Law

    In a case that hung entirely on circumstantial evidence and which saw the veracity of ancient recollections accepted by the bench,  Archbishop Philip Wilson was found guilty of covering up sexual abuse by a fellow priest. If Wilson isn't planning an appeal, he should

    May 25 2018

    5 mins

  • The Demolition of Meaning

    A useful word -- 'marriage', say -- is no longer useful if its meaning is stretched so wide, made so 'equal' and 'non-discriminatory', that it has no meaning at all. When a word can mean anything it represents only the perverse satisfaction to be drawn from debasing language and thought

    Sep 15 2017

    12 mins

  • Contrition, Amends, Redemption

    Abuse of power in the Church, whether expressed as sexual abuse, verbal, emotional or in other forms, is sin. Attempts to deal with abuse that fail to recognise this reality will inevitably be inadequate, will not lead to healing for victims, will not prevent  abuse, will not restore the Church's credibility

    Sep 26 2016

    9 mins

  • Trumpophobia

    Sexist! Racist! Fascist! Along with the feral Left's violence outside the GOP presidential candidate's rallies, those accusations have been the soundtrack of Hillary Clinton's orchestrated smear campaign. No surprise there, but why are some conservatives joining the chorus?

    Jul 21 2016

    8 mins

  • A Disgusted Delcon’s Deliberations

    It is painful to admit, but I simply cannot vote for principle-free Team Turnbull even though a Shorten government would be a worse. So what to do? My solution is to focus on the Senate, where the best hope is that minor parties -- LDP, ALA, Family First etc., -- will gain the balance of power

    Jun 20 2016

    6 mins

  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

    That the Church harboured paedophiles is beyond dispute, so to note that allegations of abuse can be prompted by an eye for the quick dollar risks demeaning genuine victims. It is these very people for whom Cardinal Pell sought justice, yet we told he is the monster. There is something very wrong here

    Feb 28 2016

    7 mins

  • What Would Muhammad Do?

    Muslims of the fiery, head-lopping variety are never acknowledged by their co-religionists as representative of Islam, especially after every latest attack or massacre. Funny thing that, as Allah's confidante would have been flattered to see his example aped

    Nov 26 2015

    6 mins

  • Healthy praise for the right to discriminate

    Medical insurance makes sense if your lifestyle makes it likely you will need it. Why should the sensible, careful and clean-living  subsidise the dissolute and self-destructive?

    Jul 19 2013

    4 mins