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Peter Wales

Peter Wales

The Latest From Peter Wales

  • What is Restored by ‘Restorative Justice’?

    The key question concerning crime and punishment is, or should be, what works? Can a rape victim be expected to listen respectfully while the man who violated her speaks of his background and circumstances? The current fashion for restorative justice benefits only the academic careerists, social workers and bureaucrats who champion it

    Jan 24 2024

    14 mins

  • Silly, Tedious, Ignorant: The Bad Eggs of Easter

    There seems these days a compulsion among many to downgrade and, indeed, to denigrate Christianity's legacies and presence. Re-assigning the celebration of the Messiah's death and resurrection to Ishtar, a bush league goddess of no known relevance, is the latest example

    Apr 08 2023

    5 mins

  • The Follyship of The Rings

    Widespread love for 'Lord of the Rings' meant 'Rings of Power' drew a vast global audience to its first two episodes. What they saw is terrible acting, a script loaded with asinine gaffes and goofs, rampant wokeism and characters seemingly crafted to repel viewers' affection. This billion-dollar travesty of a series is worse than bad, it's excruciating

    Sep 12 2022

    8 mins

  • The Case for a Nationwide Lockdown

    If we need a lockdown-- as I said, my personal view is that we do -- medical specialists have to give the government consistent, coherent evidence-based reasons why. So far, that explanation has been lacking

    Mar 29 2020

    4 mins

  • Stiffing the Sporting Distaff

    Branding as 'transphobes' and 'homophobes' those who disagree with hormonally dosed men competing with genetic women works well on Facebook and Twitter, where Left orthodoxy prevails. But on the sporting field, those keeping score know the difference between gender theory and biological reality

    Jan 03 2020

    3 mins

  • The Shouting Down of Free Speech

    It doesn’t matter if you agree with Israel Folau or not. If you have ever posted anything on social media anyone could disagree with or find offensive, or ever said anything in any gathering that an over-zealous employer could claim might bring his or her business into disrepute, eventually the mob will come for you

    Jun 28 2019

    10 mins

  • Catholics, Sex, and Cardinal Pell’s Conviction

    Strangely, for one usually so sceptical and questioning, the alleged […]

    Apr 01 2019

    15 mins

  • When a Jury Gets it Ludicrously Wrong

    Facts can be complex, laws confusing and trials long. But the finding of the jury that judged George Pell is unaccountable. The verdict is not an indictment of Cardinal Pell, far less the Catholic Church as a whole, but of Australia’s mainstream media and Victoria Police

    Mar 15 2019

    7 mins

  • Catholics, Sex, and Cardinal Pell

    The verdict is not an indictment of George Pell and the Catholic Church. It is an indictment of the media, whose vindictive witch hunt led to frenzied demands that someone, anyone, be punished. In this case the designated victim has done more than anyone to eradicate the very abuse for which he was laughably convicted

    Feb 27 2019

    17 mins