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Peter Ryan

Peter Ryan

The Latest From Peter Ryan

  • Behind Enemy Lines with Marcus Aurelius

    From the many compliments I have heard at large, clearly […]

    Apr 01 2010

    8 mins

  • Interpreting the Installations

    It struck me recently that “installation art” was yet another […]

    Mar 01 2010

    7 mins

  • Times Past, and Ahead

    A curious mixture of emotions underlies the season of New […]

    Jan 01 2010

    6 mins

  • The Sugar Bag

    Withdrawal symptoms! That’s what I’m suffering, and from a cause […]

    Dec 01 2009

    8 mins

  • The Immortal Samuel Johnson

    Who of us can have failed to note how warmly […]

    Nov 01 2009

    7 mins

  • A Semi-Education for All

    The back page of the Australian’s Higher Education Supplement of […]

    Oct 01 2009

    8 mins

  • Our (So-Called) Battle for Australia

    Just over a year ago, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs […]

    Sep 01 2009

    7 mins

  • How the Territory Found Its Feet

    A Better Place to Live by Diana Giese; Freshwater Bay Press, 2009, $22.95.

    This little book reminds me of one of those tiny electric torches, no bigger than a walnut; women often carry one attached to their handbag, and men to their key-ring. Small, yes, but they cast a brilliant light into a dark corner. Diana Giese, in plain language and from much personal knowledge, describes the heroic quarter-century of the Northern Territory’s effort to remake itself, following its total ruination during the Second World War.

    Darwin’s harbour was clogged by the wrecks of sixty-four ships sunk by Japanese air raids; services such as electricity and water had ceased. Of the buildings not actually wrecked, few had escaped damage. The re-gathering population, old-timers and new-chums alike, often had to squat in some semi-ruin, and share it with the owls, possums and snakes.

    Jun 28 2009

    4 mins

  • On Gin Lane

    It is nowadays hard to keep one’s mind off alcohol. […]

    Jun 24 2009

    7 mins