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Peter Ryan

Peter Ryan

The Latest From Peter Ryan

  • Christmas Books: Peter Ryan

    Theodore Dalrymple remains in fine acidulous form with Spoilt Rotten, his anatomy of the madness of much modern social “science” and the social services and doctrines which spring from them.

    Dec 11 2010

    1 mins

  • Lord Rothschild’s Legacies

     Our daily media diet of murder and massacre in the […]

    Nov 30 2010

    8 mins

  • On the Whale’s Back

     Breakfast time on Monday September 27 last; that day’s Australian […]

    Oct 29 2010

    7 mins

  • Title

     To Salamaua, by Phillip Bradley; Cambridge University Press, 2010, 390 pages, $59.95.

    Phillip Bradley established a high reputation with his two earlier studies of important operations in the New Guinea fighting in the Second World War; they were On Shaggy Ridge and The Battle for Wau. His new book, To Salamaua, adds to his already substantial laurels.

    It cannot, for the author, have been an “easy write”, for the events spread themselves over a long slice of time and a broad swathe of country. They open in March 1942, when the Japanese invaders established for themselves powerful bases and airfields at Lae and Salamaua. These seaports on New Guinea’s north-east coast placed Port Moresby within range of Japanese bomber and fighter aircraft, and heavy raids were frequent. The enemy remained in occupation for over a year and a half, until Australian forces re-entered Lae on September 4, 1943, and Salamaua a few days later.

    Oct 29 2010

    8 mins

  • Betraying Ourselves

     In the course of the recent political auction which produced […]

    Sep 30 2010

    8 mins

  • The Funeral Should Honour the Soldier

     The media relishes a military funeral. The last rites of […]

    Aug 31 2010

    6 mins

  • The Spirit of the Green Carnation

     Quite often, in idle moments or upon a sleepless pillow, […]

    Jul 01 2010

    7 mins

  • We’re on the Proper Track

    The heading on this column in June 2007 was “Rudd […]

    Jun 01 2010

    7 mins

  • Forget the Yukon, Remember Bulolo

    It is many years since I was promoted to short […]

    May 01 2010

    7 mins