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Peter Rowe

Peter Rowe

The Latest From Peter Rowe

  • The Slow Strangulation of Hong Kong

    The stifling by China of democratic development didn’t prevent Hong Kong making one of the few successful transitions from Third World poverty to prosperity and modernisation, not only in Asia, but anywhere. On present trends, it looks set to make the journey in reverse

    Jun 01 2020

    21 mins

  • North Korea’s Single-Minded Ambition

    That Donald Trump walked away from his summit with Kim Jong-Un should come as no surprise, as David Rowe explains in his backgrounder from the just-released March edition of Quadrant. For Pyongyang's hardheads, putting the economy first would be like Britain embarking on the welfare state before defeating Hitler.

    Mar 01 2019

    26 mins

  • Chinese Political Rivalry and Xi’s Great Dilemma

    China’s regional expansion is coming at a growing security cost […]

    Sep 29 2017

    27 mins