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Peter O'Brien

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Peter O'Brien

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The Latest From Peter O'Brien

  • All the Wrong Moves

    It's hard to believe the attention paid to Raygun's Paris absurdities, but there may be deeper lessons in that writhing and posing

    Sep 10 2024

    10 mins

  • Airbus Albo’s Flights of Fancy

    If we imagine a metric called the Pinocchio Scale, which measures the number of lies told by a politician as a percentage of his or her overall public statements, our current prime minister (for want of a better description), Airbus Albo, has moved well into uncharted territory.

    Sep 06 2024

    5 mins

  • When Bureaucrats Actually Read Their Mail

    You can imagine my surprise when I recently became aware, courtesy of my cousin Paul, of the letter below, addressed to Mr J.A, Farquar, Commissioner of the South Australian Railways.

    Aug 31 2024

    2 mins

  • Shooting Blanks in Defence of Raygun

    If, as Plibersek claims, Raygun 'gave her all', she was clearly not up to the standard required to represent this nation at the elite level, regardless of whether or not she was the best we had. And by the way, Tanya, Steven Bradbury won gold because he made it to the final in a gruelling, highly competitive sport.  Please don’t lump him in with a kangaroo-hopper

    Aug 17 2024

    2 mins

  • The ABC Does More Narrm than Good

    Whatever internal actions the ABC takes to promote ‘reconciliation’ is its own affair.  But someone needs to remind the national broadcaster that it it exists to inform and entertain all Australians, and to reflect the nation as it is not what its virtuecrats think it should be. An end to confected 'indigenous' names for cities would be a good start

    Aug 01 2024

    9 mins

  • Science with the Substance of Mere Vapour

    Even if only for the sake of argument you accept the CAGW scare, the warmists' own methodology says we have plenty of time to act.  No need for Australia to lead the rest of the world over an energy cliff.  It seems that, from the rent-seekers and activists' point of view, the less said about the shaky scientific foundation of CAGW the better

    Jul 30 2024

    6 mins

  • Trump’s not a Good Fit for Jackboots

    What specific actions do his detractors see Trump taking to 'destroy our democracy'?  Might he dissolve the Congress, sack the Supreme Court justices he doesn’t like, declare himself a dictator for life? To venture such suggestions, as many on the Left are doing, is to indulge the invincible stupidity that is part and parcel of Trump Derangement Syndrome

    Jul 25 2024

    8 mins

  • How Trump Drives Smart People Moonbatty

    Paul Kelly is a formidable journalist in terms of output and opinion-page longevity, but the once and likely future US president inspires the same irrational revulsion that afflicts so many members of the legacy media's punditocracy. Consider his latest column, a case study in Trump Derangement Syndrome

    Jul 19 2024

    14 mins

  • The Bum-Wiping Boondoggle of ‘Early Education’

    Not quite so expensive as the NDIS, there is another pillaging of the public purse just as egregious in the extent to which it has been corrupted by rent-seekers and bureaucrats. Unlike the NDIS, this one has been flying just under the radar.  I am referring to the child-care industry 

    Jul 16 2024

    7 mins