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Peter Kocan

Peter Kocan

The Latest From Peter Kocan

  • Book of Lessons

    Encounters: My Life with Nixon, Marcuse, and Other Friends and Teachers, by Paul E. Gottfried; ISI Books, 2009, US$28.

    An American reviewer of this book wrote: “The future looks dark indeed, and as dark as it looks to a dilettante like me, it must look darker yet to someone who takes the life of the mind as seriously as Paul Gottfried does.” Few books could illustrate as sharply as this one does how we can be both helped and hindered by “the life of the mind”.

    Gottfried is a professor in political science whose expertise runs to such baleful topics as Marxism, multiculturalism, and the rise of the managerial elites. But he is best known as a combatant in the “conservative wars” of recent decades. It was he who named the two sides the “neocons” and the “paleocons”, and the jacket of this book calls him “America’s leading paleoconservative intellectual”. The “paleo” persuasion is also known as the Old Right, or these days as the Alternative Right.

    Mar 01 2010

    9 mins

  • Meritocracy; Something to Report

    Meritocracy The movie October Sky conveys it all, Serves either […]

    Sep 01 2009

    3 mins

  • And the Oscar Goes to …

    They fail at the very moment you’d swear   They’d know […]

    Sep 01 2009

    1 mins

  • Victors’ Justice

    With all the world clamouring in their ears   That the […]

    Sep 01 2009

    0 mins

  • Conservatism in America: Making Sense of the American Right, by Paul Edward Gottfried

    Conservatism in America: Making Sense

    of the American Right,

    by Paul Edward Gottfried;

    Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007, US$39.95.

    This book can be read as the tale of a tremendous irony—how a false notion that led a movement and a whole superpower astray became in the end the plain truth.

    Author of many works on intellectual history, Professor Gottfried has taken part in the struggles he writes of here, and that fusion of scholarship and hard experience creates a compelling tone. He is a “paleo-conservative” but is far from pushing a mere factional line. Like most “paleos”, he is above all his own man.

    May 01 2009

    12 mins

  • Send Me Jenny Agutter

    Dear Matchmaking Powers up above,

    It’s not for me to meddle in your plan

    Jan 01 2009

    1 mins

  • The Two Horsemen

    It used to take Four Horsemen in their day

    To push the Apocalyptic ending through

    Jan 01 2009

    1 mins

  • Reversal

    Our honourable forebears lived in shacks

    And would find it hard to comprehend a time

    Jan 01 2009

    0 mins

  • Shots Fired by Sam Francis

    The context of a book can matter as much as […]

    Sep 01 2008

    11 mins