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Peter Day

Peter Day

The Latest From Peter Day

  • Australia condemns Coptic persecution

    The Australian parliament unanimously condemned the ‘persecution’ of Coptic Christians in Egypt, and called on the Government to make ‘immediate’ representations on the Coptic issue both to the UN and to the Egyptian government.

    Oct 13 2011

    5 mins

  • Time to speak up is now!

    When in Egypt, Kevin Rudd said not a word regarding the appalling treatment of the Copts by the Mubarak regime. Thursday’s vote expressing support for the Copts gives the foreign minister and the government to which he belongs an opportunity to make amends. 

    Oct 12 2011

    4 mins

  • A brave man in Sydney

    Next Saturday presents a rare opportunity in Sydney to hear first-hand from a Cairo human rights activist about the political outlook for Egypt in the lead-up to Egypt’s first elections since the fall of Mubarak.

    Jul 05 2011

    7 mins

  • Rudd challenged over Copts

    Scott Morrison called on Kevin Rudd to report to parliament on what the Australian government is doing to help the Copts. He also reiterated pledges that an Abbott government would reinstate a program of the last Liberal government to give refuge to Copts who are fleeing persecution in Egypt.

    May 29 2011

    3 mins

  • The Return of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

    Nearly three months after the fall of Mubarak, Egypt remains […]

    May 01 2011

    23 mins

  • When YouTube blinked

    You can be quite sure that the monks being brutalised are not the members of the ‘YouTube community’ who have complained about this attack being recorded and documented.

    Apr 19 2011

    1 mins

  • Crimes against Christians

    The story we are ignoring. Peter Day in conversation with Michael Duffy on the persecution of the Copts in Egypt.

    Apr 18 2011

    1 mins

  • Extremism in power

    After many years of assiduous lobbying of US officials and Washington foreign policy wonks by Muslim Brotherhood representatives, President Obama now says that the Egyptian Islamists should have a ‘seat at the table’ of power in Egypt. The Egyptian army has taken him at his word. 

    Mar 31 2011

    23 mins

  • Australian Apologetics for Islam

    The degree of thought control, of limitations on freedom of […]

    May 01 2009

    37 mins