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Peter Baldwin

Peter Baldwin

The Latest From Peter Baldwin

  • The Progressive Case Against the Voice

    Only a racist could be against it, surely? We hear this from those who call for a calm, civil, 'conversation' before launching into vicious attacks on naysayers who see through the sanitized, idealized understanding of indigenous culture. That the enshrinement of such myths in law and policy does further harm to the very people the ideologues claim to help seems to matter not at all

    Aug 03 2023

    22 mins

  • Identity Politics and Labor’s Forgotten People

    With the collapse of socialism as any sort of credible project, identity politics has become the essence, and central priority, of progressive ideology. As someone who was consistently affiliated with the Labor Left over a long political career, I see this as a tragic misdirection

    May 30 2019

    10 mins

  • The Revenge of Labor’s Abandoned Constituency

    Bill Shorten learned the hard way that issues animating 'doctors' wives electorates' don't fly in seats where overloaded infrastructure, ever-rising electricity bills and unassimilated immigration are far more pressing concerns. As Labor mulls its next next leader and direction, an important new book urges the rejection of identity politics

    May 21 2019

    7 mins

  • The Inherent Racism of Identity Politics

    That only white people can be guilty of racism is preposterous. Most people are aware of non-white people vilifying other ethnic groups in racial terms. Why is this not racism? Why should the perpetrators not be held as accountable? Doesn’t it imply an inability to take responsibility -- a racist presumption if ever there was one?

    Jan 14 2019

    30 mins