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Paul Monk

Paul Monk

The Latest From Paul Monk

  • Chinese Spies and Our National Interest

    In light of the ongoing guessing game about the identity of the former politician ASIO chief Mike Burgess asserts was an intelligence asset of an unnamed foreign power -- widely assumed to be China -- Paul Monk's magisterial examination from 2012 of the Middle Kingdom's methods is well worth reprising

    Mar 06 2024

    39 mins

  • Biblical Sexual Morality and the Australian Christian Lobby

    Lyle Shelton’s earnest arguments against legalising prostitution, pornography and 'adult entertainment' are at no point hateful or bigoted, as his critics charge. But he seems reluctant to accept that in all these cases he is grappling with social issues that have no simple solutions, least of all the invoking of 'Biblical sexual morality' as the gold standard

    Mar 14 2021

    20 mins

  • Reading ‘Paradise Lost’ During the Pandemic

    Our soi disant progressives tend to discourage us these days […]

    Jun 29 2020

    15 mins

  • Why Bruce Pascoe’s ‘Truer History’ is Mere Mythology

    History, like science, is about discriminating between myths and realities, not choosing a beguiling alternative myth as a 'different way of seeing'. The latter is the driving conceit behind the best-selling author's fauxboriginal revisionism, now being taught in schools near you

    May 14 2020

    13 mins

  • How Not to Defend Australia Against China

    Hugh White's fantastic scenario for the wholesale restructuring of our armed forces is unhinged from reality. Rather, what we should be doing is making plain to Beijing and our neighbours that while we welcome China’s increased prosperity and are keen to trade under liberal rules, we will under no circumstances be kowtowing to Beijing

    Sep 13 2019

    23 mins

  • Treason Will Go Unpunished

    I had hoped Attorney-General Christian Porter might finally see fit to put his weight behind my efforts to bring into the open the long-concealed Cook Report into ASIO's deep penetration during the Cold War. The reply from his freshly washed hands might better have been signed 'Pontius Pilate on the Molonglo'

    May 22 2019

    12 mins

  • Pierre Ryckmans and the Heavenly Kingdom

    Almost exactly forty years ago (November 1978), a special issue […]

    Mar 29 2018

    25 mins

  • One Book Too Many

    Admiration for Princeton professor Glen Warren Bowersock's distinguished career and great learning inspired a reverent anticipation as I took up his latest book, 'The Crucible of Islam', which professes to examine the origins of that creed. Alas, that reverence was grossly misplaced

    Jan 24 2018

    18 mins

  • December 25 and Our Place in the Cosmos

    When our Christian ancestors migrated to the southern hemisphere, they faced the problem of inverted seasons — and did nothing about it! That’s why we sing “Jingle Bells” and “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” in the middle of the Australian summer

    Dec 24 2017

    16 mins