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Paul Krause

Paul Krause

The Latest From Paul Krause

  • A Very Christian War and Peace

    The great battles occupy less than fifty pages in most translations. It is not that the chaotic battles are an afterthought. Rather, the real war that the characters struggle through is the battle with themselves, the world, and the other flesh-and-blood humans who dot the landscape of Tolstoy’s magisterial portrait

    Nov 10 2022

    14 mins

  • Decolonising the Bookshelf: Why Great Books Matter

    Why should we read the great books? The 'best which has been thought and said' teaches us about love -- the love found in forgiveness, the love found in the family, the love found in God. From Homer and Dante to Shakespeare, Austen and Dickens, they reignite the heart’s passion for beauty, goodness and truth

    Aug 31 2021

    9 mins

  • The Infinite Imagination

    As the eyes are the window to the soul, so […]

    May 30 2020

    9 mins