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Paul Collits

Paul Collits

The Latest From Paul Collits

  • Failed States

    If there is something to be said for the quality and competence of the representatives we send to Canberra it is that those who remain behind to infest state legislatures are even worse. They weren't saints, but how badly we miss the likes of Bolte, Playford, Wran, Kennett, even Joh

    May 07 2018

    9 mins

  • Sorry, Mr Howard, You’re Not Helping

    It is one thing for the wets who installed Turnbull and whose obsessions he has championed to be shouting 'Unity!' For a genuinely great PM to have joined their chorus is quite another. What Liberals need is a summons to rediscover principles and the backbone to stand by them

    Apr 09 2018

    5 mins

  • Cricket’s Libertarian Debasement

    It's not just cricket but the overall culture that has changed. Ball-tampering? Why not! Our age has seen objective, acceptable standards of behavior -- what constitutes agreed virtue, if you like -- replaced by the anchorless relativism that is now the whole world'd default operating system

    Mar 28 2018

    9 mins

  • Ideology Stomps on Truth

    The Left's rules: The personal is political. Belief trumps argument and evidence. Don’t change your mind when the facts change, simply summon a Twitter posse of the abusively like-minded. 'Shut up' is a valid argument. There can be no debate with racists/misogynists/climate deniers...

    Mar 21 2018

    8 mins

  • Barnaby’s Greater Infidelity

    Before betraying his family, the Nationals' ex-leader did the dirty on all who yearn for good government and a principled PM by failing to use his power as the Coalition's junior partner to foil Malcolm Turnbull's back-stabbing ascent. An heir to Black Jack McEwen he very much was not

    Mar 11 2018

    5 mins

  • Our Darkening Hour

    In his new bio-pic, actor Gary Oldman reanimates a man who rallied his people against an external foe. With another enemy inside the gates, installed and presiding over schools, universities, the media and -- Good Lord! -- even the armed forces, what we lack is the Churchillian will to fight them

    Jan 15 2018

    7 mins

  • Position Vacant: Australia’s Trump

    The US President tapped a body of sentiment that repulses the mainstream political class, and that opportunity also exists here. If you want to shop safe from imported Muslim hell drivers, miss affordable electricity and think little kids should master sums before sodomy, all you lack is the right candidate

    Dec 22 2017

    6 mins

  • A Plighted, Blighted Troth

    Rejected by the Senate, gay marriage was dead until word of Christopher Pyne crowing of back-room efforts to get it up regardless. This tells us one of two things: Turnbull used Pyne as his sly surrogate in reviving the rainbow cause or, just as damning, he is a leader in name only

    Dec 12 2017

    7 mins

  • Jacinda Astern!

    A new Prime Minister, who deems capitalism a failure, is led by a matchmaking huckster to the altar of expediency where a bevy of green-tinted ratbags wait to tie the knot with vows and commitments of Whitlamesque inanity. God help New Zealand because this rabble certainly won't

    Oct 29 2017

    7 mins