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Paul Collits

Paul Collits

The Latest From Paul Collits

  • Cory and Pauline, Two Lucky People

    A Dutton prime ministership would have deflated One Nation and the Australian Conservatives by drawing Turnbull-era refugees back to the Liberal Party, but that was not to be. Scott Morrison's challenge will be to serve a healthy portion of the red meat they crave

    Aug 28 2018

    9 mins

  • Finally, We’ve Glimpsed the Back of Him

    Today’s events might come to be regarded as the instant when a remedy began to counter the ills this vainglorious usurper inflicted on a once-great party. Hopeless optimism, you say? Perhaps, but finally there is hope of a return to a broad church with ablended liturgy of Burke and Mill

    Aug 21 2018

    7 mins

  • Breeding Sheep in New Zealand

    Australians who gaze across the Pacific at America and its First Amendment can only feel short-changed, thoughts of Bill Leak and police charging promoters to protect free speech from thugs coming readily to mind. Look at New Zealand, however, and know that things there are even worse

    Aug 08 2018

    8 mins

  • Corporate Tax Cuts: Why Bother?

    In stark contrast to the US, where the Trump administration has fostered a rampaging economic revival, Australia's captains of industry eschew entrepreneurialism for lobbying governments to change the rules in their favour. Until that attitude is erased, there is little point to Turnbull's stalled initiative

    Jul 27 2018

    7 mins

  • Australia, It Vanished While We Slept

    Like the concerned locals of Britain and, increasingly, of Europe, who every day must confront a new world not of their making, many Australians also feel something fundamental has changed. To put that sentiment in a few words,  'We have lost our country'

    Jul 16 2018

    8 mins

  • Dumb, Dumber and Growing More So

    We school more but educate less, and our institutions, experts and policy makers are decidedly not helping matters -- least of all in demanding even more public money to underwrite and expand a failing educational establishment whose return on investment continues shockingly to decline

    Jul 09 2018

    9 mins

  • A Way Forward with the Ramsay Centre

    ANU doesn't want it and the perils of entrusting Paul Ramsay's legacy and intentions to any other Australian tertiary institution are manifest, the likelihood of it being colonised by the usual academic suspects and colonisers near certain. There is, however, a different path to be taken.....

    Jun 25 2018

    5 mins

  • Genuflecting Before the Zeitgeist

    Conservatives express a view, a traditional view, and are accused of 'hate speech' , which means someone with a megaphone has taken offence. People lose incomes and careers, get bullied and are declared pariahs, so is it any wonder so many embrace plastic principles as their vocation

    Jun 02 2018

    7 mins

  • Apples, Oranges and Immigration

    Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech raised the alarm about what was, 50 years ago, but a problem in gestation. Today, co-driven by globablism and multiculturalism's purported role as the salve for the West's real and imagined ancient sins, the need for a rational approach to immigration is pressing

    May 22 2018

    8 mins