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Paul Collits

Paul Collits

The Latest From Paul Collits

  • The Blessings of a Particularly Benign ‘Invasion’

    Perish the thought of how those who delight in being annually miffed about Australia Day might have fared under the French, Dutch or the conquistadors' whips. Instead, and for the better, we were graced with British justice and institutions, from suffrage to cricket

    Jan 28 2019

    7 mins

  • Poor Sydney, What They’ve Done to You

    Its urban plain dotted with what might be termed mono-multicultural enclaves, its roads choked, trains stalled and skyline scored by high-rises of increasingly dubious worth, the metropolis blessed by the world's most picturesque harbour suffers the ongoing vandalism of planners and politicians unworthy of its vistas

    Jan 07 2019

    11 mins

  • Still Taking Water in the Alarmist Archipelago

    The woke and the dumb, the self-interested and the careerists, those who know better but go along -- taken together they form a loose but the powerful alliance that stands athwart attempts to begin the long, slow reversal of climate insanity's grip on public policy

    Dec 28 2018

    12 mins

  • Ideology, Power and the Left

    The Left lives and rules by what might be termed the 'dictatorship of relativism': there is no truth as such, only what the arbiters of acceptable thought decree as virtuous or otherwise.  Its operatives grasp that one 'wins' only by the application of raw power.  There is no other way to resolve things

    Nov 09 2018

    13 mins

  • Australian Conservatism’s Lost Tribe

    As a case for the post-Turnbull Coalition, the notion that a Shorten government would be worse than one led by, as Tony Abbott puts it, "tribal Liberal" Scott Morrison is indisputable. Alas, encumbered by the wreckage of abandoned principles, the distinction is negligible

    Oct 29 2018

    11 mins

  • Russell Kirk, ‘American Cicero’

    It behooves us to honour the codifiers of conservative core values. Among that pantheon of great thinkers, Kirk's prodigious output warrants both reflection and genuflection -- not least right now in Australia, where what passes for conservativism could use a refresher course in fundamental principles

    Oct 18 2018

    15 mins

  • Contemplating a World-Class Cabinet

    Tell me I'm never happy, accuse me of delight at hearing the door slam behind Malcolm Turnbull only to whine about what, in my estimation, is the lacklustre Cabinet assembled by his successor. And call me a dreamer as well, because this is the all-star front bench that occupies my reveries

    Oct 10 2018

    7 mins

  • A New Tack to Fix Their ABC

    The ABC has proven immune to criticism and, no matter what the latest entreaty, impervious to reform. Appointing conservatives to the board hasn't worked, as the staff collective ignores any and all pleas for at least a semblance of balance. There just might be another way however

    Sep 22 2018

    10 mins

  • Sanity Banished, Standards Cast Down

    Western societies no longer exhibit true virtue, having traded the genuine article for the posturing which draws applause on Twitter.  They no longer yearn for excellence.  They do not seek truth. What we have witnessed is a wholesale collapse in the decency of our institutions

    Sep 14 2018

    7 mins