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Paul Collits

Paul Collits

The Latest From Paul Collits

  • New Zealand’s Revenge?

    Somehow, in the matter of Israel Folau and his 'inappropriate' beliefs, the governing body of rugby in Australia, in its infinite wisdom, has chosen to inflict on the code this exemplar of modern corporate managerialism, spouting well worn platitudes like all good sporting bureaucrats now do

    May 19 2019

    8 mins

  • We Already Know the Election Winner

    No, I'm not talking about Labor or Coalition, one of which will gain more seats than the other. Meanwhile, unruffled by the popular will and relentless in their shared agenda to rework the culture, the real shapers of our society will continue doing just that in universities, schools, in newsrooms, qangos, tribunals and woke boardrooms

    May 04 2019

    15 mins

  • Billy McMahon, in no Way Was He Our ‘Worst PM’

    Much to his credit, he did far fewer disastrous things as Prime Minister than pretty much any of his successors 'achieved'. Once the colouring of partisan histories is discounted, the MHR for Lowe's worst failure was failing to save the nation from Whitlam

    Apr 22 2019

    24 mins

  • Sin-Binned in the Age of Woke

    While Israel Folau also consigned drunks, philanderers and aficionados of other assorted vices to Satan's care, it was the inclusion of homosexuals that incited the current fury. Holy-rollin' ratbaggery it might have been, but corporatised PC edicts on what can be said, taught, researched or believed are the infinitely greater sin

    Apr 16 2019

    6 mins

  • Conspicuous Grieving and the Politicisation of Tragedy

    Casual and often subtle, the post-massacre draping of political agendas in mourning's weeds now begins almost before the bodies are cold. The Christchurch slaughter was Trump's fault ... or Abbott's ... or a consequence of endemic white racism. Just fill in the desired enemy and get ready for Twitter fame and photo ops

    Apr 02 2019

    7 mins

  • Engendered Ignorance on the March

    The classroom objective should be knowledge, discernment, judgement, truth, tradition, culture, seriousness and wisdom. That our schools have once more filled the streets with junior climate marchers is sad in itself, but so much more depressing for what it says about the crimped minds of a rising generation

    Mar 20 2019

    21 mins

  • Today’s Public Burning and Those to Come

    Removing clear and unyielding Catholic voices from the public square has been the real goal through years of hearings, slanders, cancerous journalism and unprompted police probes. Today in a Melbourne court just such a figure was taken down. The Left is determined he won't be the last

    Mar 13 2019

    12 mins

  • The Pell Case: What It Says, Where It’s Going

    Could this man, belonging to this Church, on these charges, get a fair trial at this time? Probably not, but that is now of the past. What we can now anticipate with grim and absolute confidence is that the Pell slander squad will return swiftly to the fray with every weapon of smear and character assassination at their disposal

    Mar 02 2019

    18 mins

  • Green Misconceptions

    If you believe the Australian Conservation Foundation -- always a stretch, admittedly -- one woman in three plans to spurn childbearing lest Gaia take offence at the patter of those additional little feet. While the West elevates fashionable inanity, Hungary shows the way

    Feb 21 2019

    8 mins