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Paul Collits

Paul Collits

The Latest From Paul Collits

  • The Blind Hatred of the Get Pell Campaign

    Cardinal Pell, the Media Pile-On & Collective Guilt by Gerard […]

    Feb 25 2022

    16 mins

  • Je Suis August Landmesser

    Many of the truths about COVID realities are very well hidden indeed. They are buried by clever politicians and devious bureaucrats, by compromised journalists and their media executives. The devil is, as always, in the detail, and the ruling class of today is best-in-show at both concealing the truth and making outcasts of those who dispute the narrative

    Feb 23 2022

    15 mins

  • Resisting Euthanasia’s Culture of Death

    Euthanasia enthusiasts avoid using the word 'kill' at all costs, just as they delight in creating straw men. Thus do we see the likes of Andrew Denton painting nightmare scenarios of deathbed torment and suffering that exist only in their imaginations. As state after state makes it legal to be rid of the elderly and frail, John Fleming's 'To Kill or Not to Kill' is a witness to truth

    Sep 19 2021

    16 mins

  • How Daniel Andrews Gets Away With It

    A dim, impotent and principle-free opposition helps, of course, but one can't strip Victoria's premier of the credit he deserves for implementing appalling policy after appalling policy -- from shutting down a quarter of the state's energy generation to making policing a see-no-evil disgrace. His greatest achievement? Showing other wokesters how its done

    Jan 24 2020

    17 mins

  • A Legacy of Awe and Gratitude

    Sir Roger was the greatest conservative thinker of our age, and will stand with Russell Kirk in the US and Michael Oakeshott in the UK as the modern go-to men of tradition, part of the distinguished line that stretches back to Edmund Burke and Alexis de Tocqueville

    Jan 15 2020

    9 mins

  • The Price of #MeTooism

    Sometimes we are not allowed to hear or see things, not because the artist has committed a crime or sin, but because he has broken the new rules of wokeness. I don't need to approve of, say, Kevin Spacey's alleged off-camera predations in order to regret his character's censorious ouster from 'House of Cards'

    Jan 11 2020

    12 mins

  • Wanted: a ‘Positive Deviant’ in the Trump Mould

    As candidate and President, he has thrown hand grenades into the cesspit that is US politics, Here, alas, the closest we have seen is Mark Latham -- someone who infuriates all the right people, talks sense, eschews the hobbles of political correctness and delights in defying the Twitter mob. We could use a few more like him

    Dec 12 2019

    7 mins

  • Public Service Reform? Again?

    We have had permanent revolution ever since Gorton, then Whitlam, revolutionised the Australian policy making process. Modern public service departments are the marketing arms of venal, careerist politicians on the make, populated by public relations graduates. Don't expect that to change

    Dec 06 2019

    7 mins

  • The Myth of the Neutral Public Square

    In theory, every citizen is free to speak his or mind, just as others enjoy equal access to present their opposing views. The reality is nothing like that, as Margaret Court, Peter Ridd, Israel Folau and so many others roughed up by the Wokeocracy and shunned by useful idiots might tell you

    Dec 01 2019

    10 mins