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Paul Collits

Paul Collits

The Latest From Paul Collits

  • Left, Right and the New Political Hybrid

    The modern leftist is simply unrecognisable from his or her earlier self.  There is not the remotest resemblance, and a new ideology has emerged that is as much a travesty of the Left’s former core values as are neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism on the right. Meanwhile, each of the major parties has absorbed the core policies of the other side and their differences have shrunk very close to zero

    Dec 16 2022

    12 mins

  • Emoting Our Way to Public Policy

    The democratic system (aka 'responsible government' and representative democracy) required two things in order to function properly: properly motivated politicians and informed voters.  Now we have neither, and this is why the system is so broken

    Nov 17 2022

    10 mins

  • John Rawls and the Aboriginal Question

    It is one of those wicked problems and it will never be settled, history being what it is and with no going back.  But if we could have had an 'indigenous voice' in 1787, what might the Aboriginal representatives of the day have said and chosen had they been blessed with the objectivity conferred by the philosopher's 'veil of ignorance'?

    Oct 12 2022

    8 mins

  • The Duty to Take a Stand and Fight

    Conservatives have lost some battles -- quite a few, actually -- but not the war. The problem has been that, as outsiders, we seek comfort in the hope that the Left's war on everything we value will simply go away.  It won’t.  Those fighting for all of the woke causes will never give up.  Nor should we

    Oct 03 2022

    11 mins

  • Condemned to Live in Our Graceless Age

    In the humble service of her people up to the last, Elizabeth II mere days ago welcomed her fifteenth British prime minister, the most recent in a conga line of leaders who have butchered Albion and created a nation not remotely recognisable as the one which greeted its new Sovereign in 1952. Our sad, vulgar, aggressively ignorant era has just grown darker

    Sep 12 2022

    8 mins

  • The Great Conservative Divorce

    'The ruins of a dead consensus' is how the New Catallaxy blog recently described the Right’s current predicament, where now hatreds reign in place of the former marital bliss. There are a number of strands to the new resistance to the former liberal-conservative alliance to be unpacked, not least the need to to re-imagine the conservative project itself

    Jul 26 2022

    23 mins

  • The Appeal and Peril of Bended-Knee Diplomacy

    To blame the deterioration of relations with Beijing on the Coalition is to wilfully misread recent history and, worse, to miss the far bigger picture. What Penny Wong is urging in her advocacy of 'normalised' relations is a return to the sorry record of obsequiousness to the Middle Kingdom. Sadly, she will find no shortage of prominent Australians eager to cheer her on

    Jul 14 2022

    6 mins

  • Slithering and Pandering on the Road to Ruin

    United by shared, often woke, ideologies rather than class interest, disparate voting blocs and their social media platforms are newly potent players in the game of electoral politics. They tolled the bell for Scott Morrison on May 21 and may yet ring out Boris Johnson -- two men with matching voids where once core principles might have been found

    Jun 14 2022

    8 mins

  • Social Science Theories and COVID Totalitarianism

    Come the next election in each and every jurisdiction which experienced COVID tyranny, we know exactly what you were up to.  And now you will pay.  For this ballot-box justice to prevail, alas, we need far fewer low-information voters than we seem to have at present

    May 06 2022

    14 mins