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Paul Collits

Paul Collits

The Latest From Paul Collits

  • The ‘Hybrid Vigour’ of True Diversity

    The urgers of Multiculti Inc promote a society of hermetic communities, each honouring its heritage while declining to share and adopt those of others. They could learn a thing or two from sheep breeders, who grasp that integrating lineages fosters strength and resilience

    Oct 20 2017

    4 mins

  • … now with New, Improved Virtue Signals

    Only a fool would believe these rubbish tales of gay fear and coast-to-coast homophobia, yet that is what the rainbow urgers insist is endemic. So workshops are convened and employees -- even those who disagree -- expected to attend and bite their tongues. There's a word to describe such coercion...

    Oct 14 2017

    4 mins

  • Two Cheers for Freedom of Speech

    Those who regard Section 18c as a foul hobble on the right to express an unfettered opinion are on the side of the angels, but only just. When the holder of a dissident opinion can be fired and lose their livelihood, as has just happened in Canberra, the State is far from liberty's only enemy

    Sep 21 2017

    5 mins

  • Nostalgia, Irony and Mrs Woolcock

    The contrast between Abbott and Turnbull, as with Peacock and Howard, is palpable. No matter how often an increasingly fatuous columnist asserts as much, the Liberals' woes aren't due to an ex-leader's alleged treachery. As in 1985, it is about character, spine and common sense

    Aug 25 2017

    4 mins

  • The Hollow Shell of Modern Marriage

    The clamour for "marriage equality" is surprising, in part because the original crusaders for homosexual rights loathed that "heteronormative" institution. The irony is that the current fight focuses on a right of access to something heterosexuals long ago made largely meaninglessness

    Aug 08 2017

    3 mins

  • The Liberals, Coming Apart at the Seams

    The party whose leadership Malcolm Turnbull schemed so assiduously to seize was once a big tent with seating for all, from old-school Tories to libertarians. Now, sacrificed on the altar of one man's egomaniacal ambition, there is nought but division, betrayal and disgust

    Jul 12 2017

    4 mins

  • The Mal-churian Candidate

    Malcolm Turnbull, the wrong leader in the wrong party, makes Theresa May look like a rank amateur, albeit with a saving grace. The big difference is that May's wan defence of conservatism was the fruit of political miscalculation while Turnbull's urge to betray is in his DNA

    Jun 27 2017

    4 mins

  • The Islam Deniers

    Jihadism loves a weak horse, as no less an authority than Osama Bin Laden reminded us, if we care to listen. What we owe the memory of violent Islam's many recent victims is to acknowledge the very real war that made them its casualties and respond accordingly

    Jun 06 2017

    7 mins

  • The Age of Global Warming is Over

    The age of global warming is over. I refer, not […]

    Jul 01 2013

    16 mins