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Patrick Morgan

Patrick Morgan

The Latest From Patrick Morgan

  • Why the Left Loves the Lockdown

    The COVID emergency has seen the Left's elites, who for the most part do not have to worry about job security, in favour of deep-freezing the economy. In so doing they not only disadvantage the less secure whose welfare they profess to hold dear, they also award themselves the power to rule Daniel Andrews-style by caprice and coercion

    Sep 01 2020

    8 mins

  • Great Writers on the Great Stream

    As Edmund Burke understood, past, present and future generations are linked in time by the longitudinal glue which constitutes “the great stream”. Serial immortality, as Tom Wolfe put it, elevates civil society to a higher order of reality, available to those of a secular as well as religious frame of mind

    Jul 11 2020

    8 mins

  • Gaming Ned Kelly

    The Australian mateship myth had some usefulness when it was […]

    Mar 30 2020

    6 mins

  • Hal Colebatch, an English-Australian Identity

    The Western Australian author Hal Colebatch, born in 1945, died […]

    Oct 30 2019

    10 mins

  • The Formidable, Unturnable Hal Colebatch

    England was his source country. The Spectator and the London Daily Telegraph helped form him and most closely reflected his views, which there those of a well-read, intelligent conservative with literary interests in the Evelyn Waugh mode -- though his justifiable anger at outbreaks of social vandalism made him more of a Jeremiah than a light-hearted satirist

    Sep 20 2019

    10 mins

  • Cultural Casualties of Life in the Fast Lane

    In traditional societies one aimed above all else to tell the truth, both for moral reasons and to provide a plausible analysis of events. In education today one learns above all to be critical—I criticise, therefore I am—whereas the aim should be to tell the truth about our society, which always involves a mixture of some criticism and some endorsement

    Jul 04 2019

    16 mins

  • A War on Two Fronts

    The Schlusser family, having rejected Stalin to side with Hitler and barely surviving the terrifying last years of the Reich, were rejected by the US before being accepted as migrants by Australia. Eugene Schlusser's rumination on his parents' choices and journey is a work penned in the ink of clarity and restraint

    Mar 31 2019

    6 mins

  • The Immigrants Who Enriched Australia

    Immigration is very much the topic of the moment, with an increasingly vocal body of opinion asserting that intakes are both too high and not necessarily consisting of those able or willing to assimilate and contribute. Patrick Morgan in his new book lays out how things have changed

    Nov 20 2018

    12 mins

  • Tom Wolfe, a Man in Full

    The US author Tom Wolfe, who died in May aged […]

    Jun 29 2018

    7 mins