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Patrick McCauley

Patrick McCauley

The Latest From Patrick McCauley

  • Impasse at Wadeye

    They trust no whitefellas, not even women whitefellas. Some - enough to be noted, actually hate whitefellas, and are given plenty of ammunition via SBS and the ABC.

    Mar 22 2010

    5 mins

  • History of a tragedy

    Without The Fabrication of Aboriginal History: The Stolen Generations - Australian history would be so incomplete as to be a lie. In fact, without addressing the Keith Windschuttle hypothesis, we end up with a history of another country.

    Mar 15 2010

    6 mins

  • Sell the ABC

    If Tony Abbot announced today, that a re-elected Liberal National Party Government would sell the ABC and SBS within three months of taking government, would they lose votes or gain votes?

    Mar 11 2010

    2 mins

  • The politics of apology

    Rudd said sorry again. We are, therefore, back in the realm of apology – a new phenomenon which has enveloped left wing governments of the entire western world over the past few years.

    Feb 28 2010

    2 mins

  • Two fresh poems

    Two topical new poems read by the author -  “The Last Apology” and “Anthropogenic Global Warming”.

    Feb 22 2010

    1 mins

  • Killing fathers

    The children stolen from their fathers since the introduction of the Family Law Act are in fact the real stolen generations. And they have been stolen by a fear and hatred of maleness that permeates our whole society.

    Feb 17 2010

    5 mins

  • Australia Day Poem 2010

    Patrick McCauley reads his Australia Day Poem 2010.

    Jan 25 2010

    1 mins

  • The sceptical poet

    AUDIO: Patrick McCauley reads two poems about modern Australia.

    Dec 07 2009

    5 mins

  • Once upon a Climategate

    In order to distract the people from massive government debt and invasion, the Prime Minister had the public servants construct a carbon horse.

    Nov 30 2009

    1 mins