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Patrick McCauley

Patrick McCauley

The Latest From Patrick McCauley

  • Wadeye: Failed State as Cultural Triumph

    There is no greater example of Aboriginal policy failures, from bilingual education to the deliberate fostering of a victimhood mentality, than the disgrace that is Wadeye, a town where violence and anarchy prevail. Haven't heard of the war within this NT community? No surprise, really, as the narrative of black victimhood and white guilt is such a media staple that reporting its consequences would be embarrassing

    Jul 01 2022

    49 mins

  • Why Did Exposing ‘Dark Emu’ Take So Very Long?

    The wider corruption of the entire indigenous studies industry risked harsh scrutiny as a flow-on from the revealed holes in the fauxborigine's fantastic thesis. Clearly, something had to be done to isolate Pascoe and cauterize such a grievous wound to a politicised discipline's crumbling credibility. Thus, finally, did 'Farmers or Hunter-Gatherers?' appear

    Jul 24 2021

    6 mins

  • Bruce Pascoe, Racist Hoaxer

    The Dark Emu author has out-hoaxed Ern Malley, but his is a malicious deception denigrating Aborigines and their genuine past for the amusement of bourgeois white Australians with little or no knowledge other than a smugly virtuous appreciation of that nice dot painting on the livingroom wall

    Jun 19 2021

    6 mins

  • The Indigenous Invasion of Aboriginal Australia

    Culture is defined by Wikipedia as “an umbrella term which […]

    Feb 25 2021

    13 mins

  • The ‘Indigenous’ Invasion of Aboriginal Australia

    For a whitefella to make a comment or have an opinion about Indigenous issues is considered ‘cultural imperialism’ and therefore inappropriate, even ‘racist’, by the city-dwelling, university-educated, grant-fed elite. Meanwhile, as abused children take their own lives in remote Aboriginal communities, their only response is to blame white privilege

    Jan 06 2021

    12 mins

  • Patrick McCauley: Two Poems

      Shadows   We who are “we” my mother my […]

    Aug 31 2017

    1 mins

  • Some Harsh Words about Women’s Footy

    As Samuel Johnson said of female parsons, 'A woman preaching is like a dog walking on his hind legs. It is not done well, but you are surprised to find it done at all.' The good Doctor might just as easily have been talking about the AFL's much bally-hooed women's competition

    Mar 05 2017

    4 mins

  • Patrick McCauley: Without the Use of Your Hands

    Without the Use of Your Hands   (In Ireland, the […]

    Dec 01 2016

    1 mins

  • Gay Marriage and Children

    Strip away the posturing and verbiage and the whole debate eventually and irrevocably comes down to  children. If they are to be ‘commodified’ -- in effect, purchased for the cost of IVF treatments, surrogacy or adoption fees -- what does this say about their human rights?

    Oct 13 2016

    3 mins