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Patrick McAuley

Patrick McAuley

The Latest From Patrick McAuley

  • Bruce Pascoe Casts the First Stone

    Given his brazen rewriting of Aboriginal history and the support he has received from both the gullible and the duplicitous, the wonder is that the 'Dark Emu' author refrained from claiming Jesus was an Aborigine. Instead, in the pages of the Nine press, he directed his unique talent for filling pages with slapdash nonsense to misrepresenting Christianity

    Feb 07 2021

    9 mins

  • The Broader View of Domestic Violence

    Listen to feminists and the public officials keen to curry their favour and you will hear that the seeds of sexist brutality reside within every male heart. Look at the disintegration of the modern family and its devaluation of fatherhood and another, rather different picture emerges

    May 27 2015

    4 mins