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Nick Turner

Nick Turner

The Latest From Nick Turner

  • Brexit, Part IV: A Question of Confidence

    If the looming vote endorses the rejection of the EU, it will be Britain declaring, as it always has, that it is open to the world. More than that, it will be a statement of confidence, an affirmation of history and a declaration that it it is not scared nor has reason to be

    Jun 19 2016

    17 mins

  • Brexit, Part III: The Road Ahead

    Accept for argument's sake that the vote on June 23 favours the Leave case, what next? No longer in the thrall of Brussels technocrats and having rejected the political project that is the EU, Britain would have a free hand to innovate. A move to a flat-tax, for example

    Jun 15 2016

    17 mins

  • Brexit, Part II: Faith in Oneself

    When the asylum is on fire and management is arguing about regulating the volume of fire buckets, even the saddest inmate will grasp that making for the door is good idea. On June 23, in a plebiscite none but the brave or foolish would presume to predict, the UK will take the measure of its sanity

    Jun 11 2016

    16 mins

  • The Brexit Countdown — Part I

    On June 23, UK voters will decide if they stay or turn their backs on the EU. Today, as that plebiscite approaches, Quadrant Online presents the first installment in an extended examination of the issues and factors at play -- an appraisal, it should be noted, by an ardent advocate of the Leave cause

    Jun 05 2016

    9 mins